Forward (advance) button invokes strange commands
Contributor - Level 1

When I'm playing a recorded show and hit the advance forward button several times, on occasion I'll get a strange command.  Usually it's the MUTE command.  That forces me to go into the MENU audio  settings and figure out how to turn in off.  It's not the same MUTE as the one on the remote that controls the TV's mute function.  It's the Quantum's internal MUTE - or whatever.  Very frustrating.  Other times hitting the Forward button several times in a row will churn up some other random command (can't  recall which).

Anyone seen this?

3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Does it happen on multiple boxes or just one?

IPC and/or VMS?

If it only happens on 1, can you swap them around to see if it follows the box or the location?

There have been reports that some TVs can cause interference of the IR signal. Could be garbling just enough to think it is a different command.

Contributor - Level 1

This just happens on my little remote box.

Not sure what IPC and/or VMS means.

What are you proposing I swap around?  The remotes?  I doubt that it's the remote.  There was no problem before the new GUI was released.  Now I get the same problems others are reporting - i.e. the nonresponsive volume control where you have to hit the button for every incremental increase in volume.

My suspicion is bad code.

Community Leader
Community Leader

What model STB do you have?

IPC/VMS is the new Quantum boxes.

If you have a 7XXX model boxe, that is the older models.

By swapping around, I meant to move the malfunctioning box and put it in place of one that works properly.

Moving it will see if it is the location or the box.