Guide Problems
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having some issues with the new Guide:

Guide bullets for recording shows are often missing. When they do show up, it's only for one DVR, ignoring bulleting shows to be recorded on the other DVR.

Guide no longer allows forwarding a few hours via the next button.

If I use the Guide during DVR playback, the playback mysteriously stops and returns to live TV.

Is there any way to make the Guide more opaque through a setting change?

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@EstevesMD wrote:

I'm having some issues with the new Guide:

Guide bullets for recording shows are often missing. When they do show up, it's only for one DVR, ignoring bulleting shows to be recorded on the other DVR.

Guide no longer allows forwarding a few hours via the next button.

If I use the Guide during DVR playback, the playback mysteriously stops and returns to live TV.

Is there any way to make the Guide more opaque through a setting change?

Menu>settings>guide>guide video view, change the setting to eliminate the background video.
