Having problems with channel surfing due to new update?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I couldn't change channel's using program guide or typing in the channel number.  So I reset my DVR & fixed all my channel surfing issues.  If this is the only problem you're having then reset you DVR or set-top box.

To do this: just hold in the power button until the display starts changing.  It could take longer than expected.  I think I held my power button in for close to 30 seconds.  But, like I said, it fixed my problems.

Example of problem: pressed guide, arrowed up or down to channel I wanted to watch & hit select (OK).  The problem is it didn't go to that channel; it stayed on the channel I was on.  Then I would try to type in the channel # which didn't work either.  I logged on & glanced through a few reviews & decided to just try & fix it myself which worked.  Good luck!  Smiley Very Happy

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