Hoping the FIOS will not put Al Jezeera on our system
Enthusiast - Level 1

Fellow FIOS people, is there any news on whether Verizon is going to add Al Jezeera? How do we avoid this awful channel? Time Warner has already stepped up. Have you heard anything re Verizon? I can't get an answer from the company.

90 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Should ABC,  Disney (Jr.), and all the ESPNs all be banned because the parent company Disney was a partial owner of Viewers Choice, which finances several adult entertainment films?


If you don't like it don't watch it.  By the way as stated above in the NYC market Al Jezeera is a secoundary channel from the RNN local channel.  Verizon carries it on channel 481

Contributor - Level 3

Hi everyone,

I just want to remind you all that this is not the place to discuss politics.  Please keep your discussions on topic.



Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm hopeful that the numbers of viewers (that there are very few) will lead you to remove this station.  Everyone has the right to air their opinion, but in this particular case, Al-Jazeera has been openly supportive of terrorist organizations.  It remains to be seen what changes they will make to Current but if Verizon is looking to keep channels that viewers actually watch I think this will disappear due to lack of viewership.     

Contributor - Level 3

There seem to be a few different threads about this same topic. 

If you wish to express support for Verizon carrying the new station, you might wish to click on the kudos link at


Enthusiast - Level 1

I will live out my contract and then move to another carrier that respects US values.  Let the free market play out. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Are you kidding me?  I can't stand fox news, but I wouldn't try to get my TV provider to remove it from my package - I simply won't watch it. 

Contributor - Level 2

I also hate fox news and simply removed it as a channel i receive on my tivo,so it never shows up in my guide or goes to fox when i scroll through my channels,for example when i'm changing channels and i'm on channel 617 my tivo will automaticaly bypass channel 618 (fox news) and go to the next number 619 weather channel,YOU can do that with any channel you dont want on tivo,but i dont know if the verizon fios box canalso do this since i dont have one.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Please boycott Verizon if they add Al Jazeera to their tv channel line up. We cannot have this garbage come to America and be successful

Specialist - Level 3

@stwiggin wrote:

Please boycott Verizon if they add Al Jazeera to their tv channel line up. We cannot have this garbage come to America and be successful

I'll boycott you instead. Nothing more UN-American than censorship.

No chance in hell do I leave Verizon if they keep Al Jazeera, just like no chance in hell do I leave Verizon if they add the Blaze.

Contributor - Level 3

Is Al Jazeera "Fair & Balanced?" you decide:

"As Al Jazeera America gears up for its launch in America, twenty-two of the networkโ€™s Arabic language staffers resigned this week saying that the networkโ€™s management had instructed them to provide coverage of the recent events in Egypt to favor the Muslim Brotherhood."


Specialist - Level 3

@optivity wrote:

Is Al Jazeera "Fair & Balanced?" you decide:

"As Al Jazeera America gears up for its launch in America, twenty-two of the networkโ€™s Arabic language staffers resigned this week saying that the networkโ€™s management had instructed them to provide coverage of the recent events in Egypt to favor the Muslim Brotherhood."


A "News" Agency promoting a specific party/point of view!!!! Unheard of!!!!!!! MSNBC promotes far left Liberal views, Fox promotes Conservative views and the Blaze promotes far-right wing radical Conservative views. So why are they any different?

Moderator Emeritus

Just a reminder to stay on-topic and to keep all posts courteous and respectful of others when expressing your opinions.  Thank you.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thats why we need FRANCE 24... No sides... just news as it is....

Specialist - Level 3

@rtejiram wrote:

Thats why we need FRANCE 24... No sides... just news as it is....

Which is why I watch the BBC when I want to get the world news. I don't have to listen to the illiterate biased talking heads on MSNBC and Fox News.

Enthusiast - Level 2

If you think the channel is awful, don't watch it.  Set your parental controls.  I think The Blaze is detestable.  I don't want it on my FiOS, but if they add The Blaze I will not watch it unless I want to make an up-to-date list of its misinformation.  What if Verizon compromised and added both The Blaze and Al Jazeera America? You can go into parental controls and block the channel you don't like and I can do the same with The Blaze (and I'm a Nielsen family).

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am disappointed that Verizon has chosen to put on my TV a Anti Americcan group fromthe MId-East. Please get rid of this channel and AlJezzera. WE have enough anti American stuff to view as it lis. Lousy selection  Management of Verizon its pittiful!!!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hello there mytime, welcome to the Verizon forums (this is a peer-to-peer forum, where users help other users)

Anyway, if you do not wish to be exposed to Al Jazeera's content, I suggest you to use parental controls. If you do not have a Parental Controls PIN, you will need to create it.

  1. Press the Menu button on your remote control.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Parental/Purchase.
  4. Enter your Parental Controls PIN.
  5. Select Parental Preferences.

         To lock or unlock all channels:
         Select Lock All or Unlock All and press OK.

         To lock or unlock specific channels:
         Select Block by Channel > Add or Remove Channels.
         From there you can select to Lock AllUnlock All, or
         select specific channel(s) that youโ€™d like to lock or unlock


Hope this helps.

Enthusiast - Level 2

 What is it that makes you think Al Jazeera is anti-American?

This new channel is based out of NYC and will have coverage tailored for the American audience.  Right now they're airing a special on the channel interviewing a lot of the staff and the vast majority of them aren't even arab.

Specialist - Level 3

@mytime41 wrote:

I am disappointed that Verizon has chosen to put on my TV a Anti Americcan group fromthe MId-East. Please get rid of this channel and AlJezzera. WE have enough anti American stuff to view as it lis. Lousy selection  Management of Verizon its pittiful!!!!

Bigotry is alive and well I see. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

@bobbo527 wrote:

@mytime41 wrote:

I am disappointed that Verizon has chosen to put on my TV a Anti Americcan group fromthe MId-East. Please get rid of this channel and AlJezzera. WE have enough anti American stuff to view as it lis. Lousy selection  Management of Verizon its pittiful!!!!

Bigotry is alive and well I see. 

More like ignorance. I'm sure if only he would do some research he would find it isn't the anti-American hate parade he imagines it to be. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree Verizon needs to pull the plug on this channel and make it A La Carte for those wanting to watch it.

I have memories of 9/11 and dont want to support this in any way.

I called Verizon and told them if no action is taken in 10 days I am going to disconnect my service.