I Can’t Believe Verizon Bah Humbug

My wife and I wanted to get a little Christmas spirit going so we wanted to watch “MIracle on 34th Street”. I found it “On Demand” but what a surprise when I saw Verizon was charging $2.99 to rent a 71 year old movie. RIDICULOUS we just waited a day and watched it on regular tv. What cheap Scrooge’s Verizon is.

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@Badbru wrote:

My wife and I wanted to get a little Christmas spirit going so we wanted to watch “MIracle on 34th Street”. I found it “On Demand” but what a surprise when I saw Verizon was charging $2.99 to rent a 71 year old movie. RIDICULOUS we just waited a day and watched it on regular tv. What cheap Scrooge’s Verizon is.

Unfortunately it is still able to be played for a price as well as free.

on Amazon prime they have it free with loads more classic Christmas classics.