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First off I did all of the prep work before the tech even showed up. I ran all of my
CAT5, RG6, And CAT3 to a central location in the basement. I installed a new circuit for
to power everything. I even placed the conduit for him to run the fiber into the basement.
Yet it took him over 4 hours to mount the ONT in the basement. Because he kept forgetting
things in the truck.
So after all this everything was installed and working. Then the next day everything seemed
to change.
Now I get the "Currently Unavailable" on my MR-DVR most of the time. I change a channel it says
the same thing, or else I get just audio. While I am dealing with this I have to hit the buttons
on the remote at least 5 time before it registers what I am trying to do. The only way to get
rid of the black screen is to unplug it for 30 seconds. This really sucks when you are recording
Speaking of recording it has issues as well. I recorded two shows on Friday night. The first show
was from 7-8pm. And the second one was from 8-9pm. It brought up a box at 7:59 telling me there is
a conflict. I had a dvr before this one and it always knew what to do when one show was ending and
another was beginning. It didn't sit there asking me what to do. Another issue with the DVR is that
if you fast forward a show then hit play it takes it back to where you started to fast forward.
On top of that my clock doesn't work. Even after I set it to display the clock. It only shows when I
turn off the box.
Now on to the regular STB upstairs. It seems that I have to uplug it every night before bed so I can
get rid of the "Please Wait" message that is in every channel listing and info box.
I think I know what solution Verizon Support is going to offer to me.
It will go something like this....
Every time you use the Dvr do the following:
1) Unplug it for 30 seconds to a minute. And let it reboot.
2) When you want to change channels just turn off your TV. Then turn it back on when you are done.
3) When you want to record two shows that start consecutively make sure you are sitting there to tell the DVR what to do.
4) When watching a recorded show watch every commercial just like it was live TV.
5) Place an alarm clock on top of your DVR box so you can tell what time it is.
Every time you use your STB do the following:
1) Unplug it for 30 seconds to a minute. And let it reboot.
2) Pull your hair out
3) If this doesn't work Reboot it again.
I wouldn't be suprised if they actually had these steps written in all their phone scripts they read from.
Hopefully they fix this soon or I will be dropping them before the 30 cancellation period is up.
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@downfall21 wrote:
I have had FIOS service since Thursday and I am already starting to regret ordering it.
First off I did all of the prep work before the tech even showed up. I ran all of my
CAT5, RG6, And CAT3 to a central location in the basement. I installed a new circuit for
to power everything. I even placed the conduit for him to run the fiber into the basement.
Yet it took him over 4 hours to mount the ONT in the basement. Because he kept forgetting
things in the truck.
So after all this everything was installed and working. Then the next day everything seemed
to change.
Now I get the "Currently Unavailable" on my MR-DVR most of the time. I change a channel it says
the same thing, or else I get just audio. While I am dealing with this I have to hit the buttons
on the remote at least 5 time before it registers what I am trying to do. The only way to get
rid of the black screen is to unplug it for 30 seconds. This really sucks when you are recording
Speaking of recording it has issues as well. I recorded two shows on Friday night. The first show
was from 7-8pm. And the second one was from 8-9pm. It brought up a box at 7:59 telling me there is
a conflict. I had a dvr before this one and it always knew what to do when one show was ending and
another was beginning. It didn't sit there asking me what to do. Another issue with the DVR is that
if you fast forward a show then hit play it takes it back to where you started to fast forward.
On top of that my clock doesn't work. Even after I set it to display the clock. It only shows when I
turn off the box.
Now on to the regular STB upstairs. It seems that I have to uplug it every night before bed so I can
get rid of the "Please Wait" message that is in every channel listing and info box.
I think I know what solution Verizon Support is going to offer to me.
It will go something like this....
Every time you use the Dvr do the following:
1) Unplug it for 30 seconds to a minute. And let it reboot.
2) When you want to change channels just turn off your TV. Then turn it back on when you are done.
3) When you want to record two shows that start consecutively make sure you are sitting there to tell the DVR what to do.
4) When watching a recorded show watch every commercial just like it was live TV.
5) Place an alarm clock on top of your DVR box so you can tell what time it is.
Every time you use your STB do the following:
1) Unplug it for 30 seconds to a minute. And let it reboot.
2) Pull your hair out
3) If this doesn't work Reboot it again.
I wouldn't be suprised if they actually had these steps written in all their phone scripts they read from.
Hopefully they fix this soon or I will be dropping them before the 30 cancellation period is up.
I need to ask you a few questions.
1. Currently unavailable...is this on all channels?
2. Recording 2 shows at the sametime.....your conflict would be if you were watching something else at the time of the recording. You can record 2 things at the same time and only watch VOD.
3. Fast Forwarding a recorded show pressing play shouldn't revert back.....there is a revert of 20-30 secs in case of over Fast Forwarding. Try pressing pause then play. We don't expect anyone to have to watch boring comercials otherwise what's the point of a DVR.
4. I am 100% aware of the Clock issue and yes it is annoying my boxes do the same thing it will be fixed. We would never tell you to put an alarm clock on the box for time.
5. Sometimes Powercycling the boxes does help.
6. We definately wouldn't want you pulling your hair out. Just post your prob like you did here and myself or one of the other 2 guys Charlesh or Thesanchez will get right on it asap.
7. We don't really have any scripts however the things your most likely to be asked when/if you call in you will be asked for name on the acct, address, phone #, and the person to whom the rep is talking to, and a cbr incase of being disconnected.
I have no problem with helping anyone who comes here for assistance let me know if you need anything else regarding info from above and please get back to me with question # 1
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Come on Techman28--Can anyone tell us what the deal is with the "Currently Unavailable" Error message? This is obviously a very common problem. Doesn't Verizon Fios have some official statement about this? You asked, "1. Currently unavailable...is this on all channels?" Come on really? You're a tech guy for this company? Do a google search for verizon fios "currently unavailable" error and you get over 5900 hits. Most of them strings of chats and blogs griping about this problem. If you haven't heard of it, or if you are not familiar with this problem, please escalate to someone who can actually help and not just reply with some cute remarks. So...just for clarity, let me post my problem:
I turne on my DVR box (multimedia) and watched for 3-5 seconds on any channel. Then after I change channels within 5 seconds or so the screen freezes and the words CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE (in caps) come up on a black screen. If I change channels, the picture comes up and all is fine again but the problem then repeats in another 5 seconds. If you flip to another channel (again, any channel) two or three times, you can get the picture to finally "stick." The problem happens randomly at anytime throughout the day and some days does not happen at all.
Calling tech support (ha) is useless...kind of like your responses here. They tell you to reboot---perfect! What kind of solution is that. It would be fine if it solved the problem, or even solved it for a few days, but it does not...it only solves the problem at that time. That's not a solution when you turn on the TV to catch "local on the 8s" and it take 4 minutes to reboot.
It does not seem to matter the channels involved they all do it but I happen to be on HD channels.
Again, I ask that you escalate this issue to someone who can actually help the 1,000s of Verizon Fios customers who appear to be having this issue. Thank you.
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Those are questions that I ask to determine if there is a possible channel outtage or if its the currently unavailable issue with certian boxes. Obviously he responded saying its on random channels and not all. I do know that it will be fixed with the 1.6.2 upgrade coming out. I do know that this issue is not common on our 6416's or any other box. I realise that 5900 hits come up with google search and if searched further the issue is to be fixed with 1.6.2. Powercycling the box or changing the channel up and down can fix it and extreme cases we will deact and react the box to get it up and running again. Thus verizon has already done what you have asked before you asked for it.
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Another helpful response. Let me repeat back what I have heard from your response: {please keep your posts courteous}....we know there is a problem, but we don't know when it will be fixed...in the meantime just put up with it.{edited}
I cannot wait to switch back to Brighthouse Cable.
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When is the update being released to Pittsburgh, PA? I only have 7 days left of the 30 day trial.
Also when do I get back the $125 fee I had to pay up front to get the install?
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ohmigosh this is not encouraging. i just had FiOS installed today, came home from work and can't get VOD -- i get the error message. I switched to verizon because of constantly having to reboot everything on comcast, like multiple times a day. I watch tv usually from 1 a.m. till 4 a.m., and if that's the usual maintenance time and i'll get no reception... grrrr.
i have the 7216 STB -- if it has all these problems, why am I getting it on a new install???
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I have the same "Currently Unavailable" issue as well -- and my box shows release 1.6.2. (build 08 58).
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1. It happens on random channels. Last time it happened on Nicktoons and Fuse.
2. One show ended and the next show started a second later. Comcast never gave me an issue with that. The dvr firmware should be smart enough to figure that out.
3. When I fast forward from 2 minutes in a show to 45 minutes. Then press play it jumps back to 2 mins. So I have a 43 minute jump back.
4.The clock is extremely annoying. Even changing the settings doesn't fix it.
5. I have been doing this every day. This should not be a part of daily maintenence.
6. I don't want to pull my hair out either. That is why I need things fixed.
7. Verizon DSL was infamous for using scripts. You sure you don't have some lying around somewhere?
When is the new 1.62 going to hit here in Pittsburgh, Pa?
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7 . 10000000000000% we don't use scripts
1.6.2 will be soon in your area
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no you shouldn't have to turn off your TV to change the channels
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My LCD brightness is turned down. And the DVR is sitting in an audio pier which is located down behind and to the right of the TV.
Yet it still does not register remote commands unless the TV is off. I never had this problem with the DVR boxes from Comcast.
I changed the batteries and tried different remotes, etc. I can get it to respond with the TV on but it takes around 5-7 pushes of the
button to do so. Are they working on this issue?
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So Techman, what has Verizon done to get this slow/poorly responding DVR box problem rectified? You know it really makes Verizon's Top Notch - Super Duper Fast Fios Technology seem like a big JOKE.
Just this morning I had to call and request my 4th DVR box from VZ. This time I was persistant that I wanted a new box not a refurbished box.
I'm sure the Fios Techonology is great but the equipment you send out is insufficient.
1) The DVR boxes do not have enough memory to keep up with mulitiple task, watching one channel, recording another and pulling up the guide. The lag/slow response is absolutely unacceptable.
2) Stop sending your new customers someone elses junk box you've had returned to you.
Honestly whoever thought out this whole box process I hope has to go through every bit of frustration that we have with ours.
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I'm not sure why your having these problems I'll look into it........btw did you get your remote ordered?
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hmmm ok misread the note I'll have it put on in just a sec
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There is nothing reflective around it and has no other interference.
The box is sitting in the exact same spot that the DCT6412 from comcast was in.
And I never had an issue until the box was replaced with the New MR-DVR.
I even walked right up to the front of the DVR this morning and it would not change
channels. It didn't even register as there was no blinking green LED.
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I have some new issues that are happening now too.
1) My VOD will not play anything. I get an error message when I try to play anything in the menu.
2) I tried to play something on the dvr last night. I hit play and the show that was on tv stayed on the screen. Yet when I checked it was telling me that it was playing my recorded program. I had to stop the playback and restart it to get it working.
Are these issues resolved in 1.6.2?