IMG 1.9 release notes and discussion thread
Specialist - Level 2

As you probably already know, IMG 1.9 is starting to roll out. FiOS TV's Joe Ambeault posted release notes that may just answer quite a few of your questions. (And here's a link to the press release as well.)

I see that several of you have already started posting about IMG 1.9. Great! We'd love to have a central place to refer people, so we'll be moving IMG posts over to FiOS TV Technical Assistance. That way things are together and you won't have to search as much to find what you're looking for.

Please feel free to post here with your observations, feedback and questions. I'm sure others will chime in to help with questions if they've already run across the answers you're looking for. And it'll save duplicated efforts as well.

218 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Alot of pages to go through, dont know if this has been asked: When is it coming to my area North New Jersey?


When is it going to be released.  I signed up expecting extended storage to be available quickly. Now my bill is he same as I had with DTV, where I had over 4 TB in one room (4 dvrs x 1TB drive each) now I have 1 expensive DVR and no expanded storage. I could record 8 shows in that 1 room (If I wanted to) and store a whole season of EPL soccer, now I have to delete, delete, delete. As you can tell I am not to happy with your pricing model for equipment. (and please don't "state of the art" me). This update needs to be rolled out extra fast, or DTV here I come.

Master - Level 3

@dprovan wrote:

 As you can tell I am not to happy with your pricing model for equipment. (and please don't "state of the art" me).

(emphasis added)

(emphasis added to above post)

You do realize that this is a PEER-TO-PEER (user to user) forum.  I don't know who you think you are adressing the above statement to, but 99% of those here are not employees of Verizon -, myself included (although a few employees do lurk).


Intended specifically for the lurkers !!!!!!!!!!!!


Keyboards: Ok so your should have been their.  If however you believe that 99% of the people here are non-Verizon, then I have some canned sunshine I'd like to sell you.Smiley Wink


Keyboards: One other thing I forgot to mention: After you read the post below do you still think it's non-verizon or peer to peerSmiley Mad

(We will be moving any 1.9 threads from this board over to the other one in order to keep everything in one place for easy reference. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.)

IMG 1.9 release notes and discussion thread

Please post your questions and observations on the Technical Assistance board thread. For release notes, you can view the blog post about IMG 1.9.


Yes I can say I am not Verizon, and yes about 99% of the people here are not Verizon employees. Could be 95%? By the way until a few years back, Verizon was only a phone, and data connection provider. Not a Media Content Provider. You said it yourself, Microsoft built the first interface. So who is to say that Verizon is doing it 100% on their own. It could be they are doing it in a manner where they have more control over quality, with help from others. Perhaps they were not happy with revision 1.0. Like I said I do not work for them, so I am just throwing out a wild guess. They may have even hired a whole boat load of developers. Before FiOS TV there was FiOS Internet, and that is when I subscribed. So some of the users that have been around a while, are rather fond of the service, hang out here, and try to help others when possible. I will say I ran a Tivo on FiOS for about 14 months, and patiently await the next reliable 1.9 release for the Verizon DVR. My TiVo is on a shelf unplugged right now. I like some features of both. But went back to Verizon for some of the features that their DVR has.It has only been a little over six months since 1.8, so I would rather have 1.9 release right, than released wrong.

By the way TiVO wants me to commit to another whole year just to have the box I own turned back on. So I think I will stay with the new QIP-7232 P2 and wait for 1.9.

Moderator Emeritus

Hi everyone!

We invite you to discuss the new 1.9 rollout on the board dedicated to just this product/topic. You can find it here.

Want more details on the 1.9?  Please keep watching the Verizon At Home Blog for additional "official" from Verizon information.

Contributor - Level 1

When is it going to be released. I signed up expecting extended storage to be available quickly. Now my bill is he same as I had with DTV, where I had over 4 TB in one room (4 dvrs x 1TB drive each) now I have 1 expensive DVR and no expanded storage. I could record 8 shows in that 1 room (If I wanted to) and store a whole season of EPL soccer, now I have to delete, delete, delete. As you can tell I am not to happy with your pricing model for equipment. (and please don't "state of the art" me). This update needs to be rolled out extra fast, or DTV here I come.


I think that Verizon charging $20 rental fee for DVR is way too expensive. I guess that price Verizon pays Motorola for each DVR maybe $100 a piece, so, after 5 month renting it to customer, Verizon makes pure profit on each box!!!

 I am former DTV customer and  I was pretty happy that they charged for DVR one time charge and then it was free. Unlike Verizon, DTV is willing to absorb charge buying boxes from manufacturer and that is very customer friendly policy.

The reason I swithched, is FIOS Internet and because Verizon triple package is cheaper.

I think Verizon should be flexible in charges for equipment as $20 rental fee for DVR is way too expensive.  For people willing to have 2 or 3 DVR at home it's very expensive to pay rental fee.

Verizon shall allow customers to pay full price for equipment, if they wish, and not to tie customers to rental fee for equipment the life of service. 
