Linking iPhone remote

New customer as of yesterday. Everything is great but can't get iPhone to recognize stb,s. new Verizon modem, but because we have macs they connected my wireless mac home base to verizon router. Could this interfere, if not what is likely the problem.
3 Replies
Master - Level 2

 Everything is great but can't get iPhone to recognize stb,s.

Did you enable the feature in the STB?  You must be connected to you home Verizon Wireless LAN network for it to work.

new Verizon modem,

This doesn't make sense, what do you mean? Are you not able to connect via wireless?  You need to connect the SSID on the router and enter the key listed.  My recommendation is to change the wireless LAN security to WPA2 and use your own pre-shared key.  Makes life a lot easier to connect other devices and WPA2 is must more secure than the default WEP.


make sure you are connected WIFI to the actiontec verizon router.   It won't connect if you have it connected to your wireless mac airport instead of the Verizon Wifi.

Go to and click retreive your wifi settings.    you have to have your verizon username and password (same to see your bill online, and same to check your email

The settings that pop up are what you should be using on your iphone to connect and see the stb's.  they have to be on the "same" network.    the stb's are connected to the actiontec VZ router, so your iphone, too, has to be connected to the actiontec, VZ router.

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Let me give this a shot ...  you have a TimeCapsule maybe?  Any they connected the WAN side of the TimeCapsule to the Verizon router?

For your iPhone to function with the STB's you need to be on the same network as the STB's.  By default, if you connect to the wireless network on the ActionTec router Verizon installed (it'll have a different SSID than your TimeCapsule -- you can find the default and password on a sticker on the bottom of the router), this will work.

You'll need to, as someone indicated, enable this feature as well on your STB's.

If however, everything is still connecting to your TimeCapsule, then you will want to use your Mac and go into the TimeCapsule via the AirPort utility under the Utilities menu and change the Router Mode under the Network tab from "DCHP and NAT" to "Off (Bridge)".  Once everything resets (and you may have to reboot or turn the wireless on/off on your Mac and iPhones) you should be good to go.