Manage DVR failure
Enthusiast - Level 3

For a number of days, I have been unable to access the programs recorded on my multi-room DVR from the web page.   What should happen is 

1. go to web page

2. click on Manage my DVR on right hand side.

3.  Get to a menu for looking at scheduled programs, recorded programs, etc.

BUT, instead after step 2 I get an error message that says:

We are having trouble communicating to your Set Top Box.

This is persistent result.   I have used the online chat with customer support multiple times and done all that they suggest without curing the problem.   Reset Router, reset DVR, etc.   Chat has been escalated to supervisor level more than once, still no solution.

Can anyone make any suggestions about how to cure this problem?

(in fact -- is this forum active or dead -- seem to be no posts for two years).

1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.
