Need help replacing set top box

Hey guys i need some help trying to figure out how to replace a faulty set top box. I've been having issues for about 3-4 months now. I've tried trouble shooting over the tv. I also tried calling in customer service, they trouble shoot and say nothing is wrong and everything should be working fine. I tried chatting with someone and is givng me the same. 

My box turns off, and the picture pixelates every like 30-45min, and for how long is just random. 

Verizon is ignoring the issue and not helping me. I'm wondering if i should just lie and say that the box fell and broke. However i am afraid they would charge me.  At this point im about to switch providers which i really dont want to, but if my service does not work, and im paying for it, it raises the question. What am i really paying for? 

Someone please help me, its been several months, and employees on the web, and phone dont relaly care.

4 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

I wouldn't say fell and broke.

Could try saying doesn't power up? Or no display?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I guess you don't live near a walk in center?  If you do just bring it in and say you want a new STB as this one is giving you trouble.  Otherwise if you can do without an STB in that room for a few days simply tell them you no longer need that STB and send it back.  After a day or three just order a new box as you "miss" having the service in that  room.  You'll never get back the same box you sent in!  Personally I would simply tell them you are tired of this troubleshooting nonsense and you would like to swap the box out. All this is a moot point if that STB did fall off the shelf and has a big dent in it! Then it's good luck dealing with that!

Master - Level 1

If you have another box try swapping them to see if the trouble follows the box or the coax line itself.

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