Problem with media guide updating properly after internet upgrade

Hi, so I recently got the new fios one box and 2 mini boxes and all was working fine until we had our internet upgraded to the gig about a week ago. Ever since then the newest days of the media guide do not pull the info automatically. I have to reboot the box each morning and then the new days will show the new program info, otherwise it just shows "no program info" I have spoken to a bunch of fios reps to try and get this fixed, they have sent "commands", one told me to get a new cable splitter (didnt work), and even a tech came out and didnt know what the issue was. Is there a way to set up the box to auto reboot in the morning when we dont really use it? I would hate to have to reboot my box daily, its annoying! Or any other feedback on this? Thanks so much!

3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Have you tried powercycling the router? Unplug it for 2 or 3 minutes, then plug it back in. The router and the coax network are the source for the data going to the boxes. If the splitter isn't MOCA 2.0 certified, or there is a bad coax cable, you'll have problems with guide and on-demand.


Thanks! I will try the router again, we did try rebooting it but not unplug for 2-3 mins, the splitter is the same as always, i put back the original one. Everything was working fine until my internet ONT box was upgraded, and nothing else was changed, its very strange... I wish I could set my box to reboot itself automatically lol rebooting it makes it work just annoys me that I have to do it everyday myself

Community Leader
Community Leader

Shouldn't have to reboot boxes every day for any reason. Something else is wrong. If powercycling the router doesn't help, unplug the router and the boxes, Powercycle the ont, wait until it stabilizes. Plug power back into the router, again wait until its stable. Plug power back into the boxes. Cross your fingers.
