Quantum TV - Very Laggy
Enthusiast - Level 2

I had Quantum installed last week, mainly because I wanted the ability to record more than 2 things at once.  I haven't had to do that yet, so the only diffeence I see in the new service is that the software is very slow.  I understand that it's new, but this shouldn't be a beta.  Please release an update ASAP to fix the slowness issues and other bugs that are out there.

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If you just got, you missed some of the really laggy bugs.  Its actually improved quite a bit in the last two updates.  In some things faster than the older DVR/stb. 

Be specific in what lags you are seeing.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I've noticed it. Both the server and a client can be laggy. Takes a while to respond to buttons (like guide, FF, REW) etc.

Just feels very sluggish in general. More so that the previous gen.


@ScottChapman wrote:

I've noticed it. Both the server and a client can be laggy. Takes a while to respond to buttons (like guide, FF, REW) etc.

Just feels very sluggish in general. More so that the previous gen.

I agree with part of your post, but for me the FF, REW, etc. are lightning fast, much faster than on the QIP equipment I replaced (QIP7232, QIP7100-2). And of course the FF, REW, etc. for live TV did not work at all on the HD boxes, so that working at all is a big step forward.

I just did a quick test on the Guide and Menu buttons on my VMS (the DVR): approx. 2 seconds for the Guide, approx. 1 second for the Menu. A subsequent test on the Guide button resulted in approx. 1 second response. Channel change is generally about 1 sec. also. What I have found though is that the box responses are not consistent; sometimes almost instantaneous, other times slower, sometimes much slower, than on the QIP boxes; I have not been able to figure out at all what causes the occasional delays. It is apparently that the box is busy doing something else, but what? No clue.

You might try turning the boxes off and unplugging the power cord for 15-20 seconds and then plugging them back in. You never, know, might help some. I have seen rumors posted that there will be another code update in July, I have no idea if that is correct, but I am certainly hoping for some additional performance improvements, support for the Aspect (#) button, and hopefully some new functions like support for an external hard drive. But I suspect that we are always going to have slower responses to some commands on the clients due to the need to communicate with the server.

Overall though I am quite happy with my VMS.

FiOS TV: Extreme HD, Internet: 50/25, Digital Voice
VMS Enhanced Service: 1 server, 2 clients
Keller, TX 76248 (VHO 1)

Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there a place to track wwhat the updates are and when they get published?


@ScottChapman wrote:

Is there a place to track wwhat the updates are and when they get published?

Not really. Verizon does not like to publish information that identifies what and when things happened. However, I can tell you this: I have had VMS now since April 4, and the code levels I have seen so far are:

As of 4/20/2014

Release: 1.0
Build Number: 01.98c SIT
User Interface Version:
Middleware Version: 15.98
Firmware Version: KA12.14.56.09Alder.367366

As of 5/14/2014

Release: 1.0
Build Number: 01.99a SIT
User Interface Version:
Middleware Version: 15.99b
Firmware Version: KA12.14.63.03Alder.382740

As of 6/5/2014

Release: 1.0
Build Number: 01.99c SIT
User Interface Version: 9.31.15
Middleware Version: 15.99c
Firmware Version: KA12.14.63.04Alder.386135

The dates I show above are not when the updates were delivered to my box but rather when I documented them. I still have the last one shown, there have not been any updates that I know of since early June.

You can find the current software level on your VMS in Menu ==> Settings ==> System Information.

Regarding fix content or new function, I have not seen anything published, although I do know that a couple of problems I saw originally have been fixed.

Sorry, but that is the best info I can provide. Maybe someone else with better Verizon contacts can provide more info.

FiOS TV: Extreme HD, Internet: 50/25, Digital Voice
VMS Enhanced Service: 1 server, 2 clients
Keller, TX 76248 (VHO 1)