Random DVR playback stutters/lags only on ABC

So I've had this problem for months but FIOS support treats my like an idiot and gives me the standard "turn it off and on again" approach.

Basically when I'm watching a DVR recording of any show recorded on ABC, randomly and not always the playback video starts to stutter and get laggy, but audio is fine. I can pause, but there's a delay before the progress bar pops up. Once it does I can press play again and no more laggy video. I could also rewind and play it again with no issues. So it's nothing wrong with the raw video file or the live feed. Only on DVR playback.
After months of testing I've only ever had the issue on ABC (only tested HD channels) I don't have the lag issues on any other channels.
I've tried resetting the box, I've done the built in troubleshooter tasks found via the DVR menu, I've checked all the cables.
Anyone else have these symptoms, or have any suggestions on how to get around the first layer of scripted support staff that treats us like we're 12 years old using a tv for the first time? I can't reliably reproduce the problem, it's all very random.
EDIT: equipment: Model:VMS1100
2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

What area.  Each ABC channel is locally added to the feed.  It would be important to know if any others in your area are having a problem.  I happen to have two ABC channels at my location and do not general see a problem, although there have been a few cases on some channels. 

It is less likely to be the VMS although its always possible.

Are you seeing any similar stutters on Live ABC programs.

Remember you are talking to peers.


Hi there!

So i've also got two ABC channels:

WCVB channel 505 - Boston, MA

WMUR channel 509 - Manchester, NH

The issue seemed most common on 505, so i swithed all my recordings to channel 509 but started seeing the laggy video again. So it seems both ABC affiliates are affected.

I also NEVER see any problems live. Plus i can rewind the recording and it will play back just fine. So the raw video file on the dvr is fine. It's just playing it from the dvr to the TV and only on ABC.

Thanks for the response!