Recent Searches

I just switched to Fios TV One from the old STBs.  I have many issues, including the fact that the search function (not voice search, but good old-fashioned text search) no longer retains my recent searches from previous search sessions.  Thus, I have to reenter the text using the clumsy UI every time I want to search (e.g., to determine when the next games featuring my favorite teams are on). 

The old system used to retain this info, but even it was a step back from an older generation of the firmware that would allow you to manage recent searches (e.g., delete ones you no longer need).  But at this point it would be OK if it retained recent searches at all.

I imagine this was changed because it's assumed everyone is going to do voice search, but the new remotes are so crippled that I'd rather not use them at all.  And the old functionality wasn't hurting anything, so why go to the extra effort of removing it?

If I'm doing something wrong or I need to do something differently in order to recover my recent searches, please let me know.  Or if not, please explain this stupid feature decision.

2 Replies
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Community Leader

What model STB do you have?

I have Quantum and previous searches are saved.


@CRobGauth wrote:

What model STB do you have?

I have Quantum and previous searches are saved.

I don't know the terminology -- the newest TV One 4100 boxes, I think they're called.  Don't know anything about quantum -- what I had was earlier than that.

The searches most definitely are not saved.  I don't know if that's due to something unusual in my environment or by design.  I was hoping someone could tell me and propose a solution if there is one.  Doesn't look like it.

Also, FWIW, the user interface for browsing shows within a search topic is truly horrific.  Much worse than the old interface I was used to, which in turn was much worse than the previous interface.  Not sure if it's even possible to make it worse next time, but the trend indicates they'll find a way.