Recurring problem with particular channel only on HD
Enthusiast - Level 1

Using FiOS in Eastern PA but lately have an unusual problem. The local CBS channel works fine on SD (Ch 3) but when viewed in HD (Ch. 503) it is subject to random  and temporary occurrances of picture freeze, pixilation and loss of sound. This occurs on different HD set top boxes, on different TV receivers and it never happens when viewed in SD - whether being viewed via one of our HD set top boxes or an SD set top box. It never happens to any other HD channels.Is this a FiOS network issue or is it a possible ONT issue?

2 Replies
I had this exact same issue with a local channel a year or so ago. I called Verizon, and it was determined to be a technical issue which had to be referred to higher level technicians for resolution. It was resolved within a day or so of having made Verizon aware of the issue.
Master - Level 3

I have been experiencing the same thing for the past few weeks on Philly channel 503 (CBS HD).  It definitely is a network issue either from the station or Verizon.  Hopefully one of the mods can pass this on to the technical people out of VHO8 (and yes I know this is a perr to peer forum but it is monitored).