Sept 2020 Fios DVR and Guide Update
Enthusiast - Level 2

This week Fios pushed out interface updates for their TV services. After nearly 3 hours in chats, I was finally told that there is no way to roll back updates once loaded and they base new update options based on posts in the forum. Below are my complaints that they will only fix with enough support on here, if you have the same issues, please mark the post. 

1. They removed the chapter function for recorded programs on the dvr (the up arrow that would allow you to move to any 10 min marker in a program).

2. The new Now and Next function causes latency when switching channels. Even after setting it to 0 seconds. 

3. They removed the ability to view a single channel lineup in the tv guide. In the past I would just hit guide a second time to see the next 5-10 shows on a single channel. 

4. Finally, I just find the prettier guide view harder to actually read and process. Not sure if it is the number of channels,  dark screen, or just that it is too busy.  Turning off the background video helped a little, but not much. 

1 Solution
Community Manager
Community Manager

Please disregard that this topic has been marked as solved. This post was marked as the solution in order to float it to the beginning of this thread for increased visibility.

Dear Verizon Customers,

Thank you for bringing these concerns to our attention. We are listening to you and based on your feedback, we have made SOME additional changes to the new Fios TV Interface with the APR 7.8 update. Here are the interface updates:

  • User Interface Improvements
    • Guide legibility improvements
    • Free To Me filter renamed to Subscribed
    • Episode font size updated to fit more characters
    • 2 ½ hour guide skipping with prev/next buttons
  • Video On Demand updates
  • Fixes/Improvements




You will see the above mentioned Fios TV interface changes roll out from 12/09 through 1/13.

Additional responses:

Coloring: Here is another way to navigate to channel groups that used to be colored:

The channel neighborhoods are still organized by the genres you're familiar with.  While in the main Guide, press the Guide button again to apply your filters and move over to the Jump To function.  Now you can jump your guide to specific channel neighborhoods.  If you have Fios TV One with a Voice Remote, while in the guide you can also say “Jump to <channel neighborhood>”.

Last Button: The button labeled "Last" on our remotes for 1100 and 4100's can be configured to operate in one of 2 ways. You can either jump back and forth between your last 2 watched programs, or you can have it bring up the "Last Watched Rail" which contains more of your most recently watched content, including VOD and DVR shows.

Access Menu>Settings>System>Television>Last Watched Rail to enable and disable the Last Watched Rail.

If the "Last Watch Rail" disappears, please use this workaround: Reboot the box or boxes on which the issue is seen to check if that fixes the problem. If it still appears bothersome or comes back, please disable the last watched rail.  Access Menu>Settings>System>Television>Last Watched Rail to enable and disable the Last Watched Rail.

We are aware of the Last Watched Rail issue reported in this Community and we will have a fix in place with the next release.


Guide Banner: You can disable the Guide Ad banner setting via the following:

Main Menu>>settings>>Notification>Guide Banners->Disable


Lagging / Slowness / Sluggishness:

If you are still experiencing lagging, slowness or sluggishness when interacting with the set top box after the latest update (APR 7.8), please elaborate on which specific functionality is exhibiting this behavior (ex. Navigating Menu/Guide/On Demand, channel surfing, DVR etc.)?

Please feel free to provide any additional details which will be useful and assist the development team as they further investigate.


As always, we greatly appreciate and value your feedback.

Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager II

View solution in original post

1,202 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Sorry, but I call **bleep** on the fact that it was tested with other customers who said that it was good or an improvement.  It's horrible.  Plain and simple!

Enthusiast - Level 2

New DVR and Guide Update sucks

Enthusiast - Level 2

Here's a simple question.  Name ONE thing in this update that's an improvement over the previous guide. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

You will not convenience me that you received very many complaints about the chapter navigation and color coding program listings that have been eliminated or that many people were clamoring for the changes that were made. It would be interesting to see how your team views all of the complaints posted here. What would it take to return the functionality that the posters are requesting?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Re. "We apologize for any inconvenience this update may have caused. Our release products go through testing sessions with customers just like you before the products are launched. The feedback you have provided has been shared with the team for further analysis."

Obviously not.  Either that, or you really need to replace your UX design team.  There's no way the last two "updates" would have made their way through any kind of serious customer testing.  (And have you ever heard of alpha & beta testing?)

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree with everything said. THIS VERSION SUCKS! Please fix ASAP. Optimum has been trying to woo me back at a MUCH lower cost. Fix please!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Hopefully Verizon is analyzing all the feedback and seriously considering bringing back the old guide format or the option to revert back for those of us that do not like this new horrible unfriendly guide.   We have been longtime Verizon customers but this is actually enough to make us consider switching providers.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This update is terrible. I can barely see the channel numbers from 6 feet away.  I've been considering ditching Fios, and this awful update makes the decision that much easier. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Hate the updates. 

1. Under guide of channels now doesn't actually state the name of the channel.  I'm thinking to cancel HBO and Starts because i don't even know which channels they are and am unable to choose them anyway.  Then why am I paying extra for them. 

2. Previously, by pressing the side errow I was able to scroll through the guide while watching the current show.  Now I'm only able to watch the guide overlaying the whole screen. 

3. The current show info comes up when you press most buttons.  Why? 

4. The picture of the current show is so large and overlapping the screen. I wish to watch the show,  not the info that I am looking up by the way.  What about the actor info.  Hadn't been able to get much more from the info button. 

Bottom line: terrible update.  Hate it!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Please add my disgust and complaints to all the above. The new design is UNUSABLE! As many have stated, I am actively considering dropping the service due to the ridiculous implementation of a much poorer interface. If the designers worked for a computer software company and rolled out this UI, they'd have been fired already.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This update has me considering leaving Verizon after decades of paying premium price for what ONCE WAS a premium service. This update is clumsy, redundant, & sorely lacking in ease of use, compared to its tried & true predecessor. If it’s not broke... DON’T fix it. Is someone there trying to justify their existence??? 

Enthusiast - Level 1

We're considering dropping Fios after this DVR/Guide Update as well - the changes just rolled out for us a week or so ago, and they're making it extremely difficult to sort through offerings.

1. Lack of color coding for various categories of programs on the Guide:  movies, news, sports, children's programming, etc.  Serious problem.

2. The explanatory text giving a short plot summary for a movie or tv episode is now not *below* the name of the program, but at the top of the screen, so you have to constantly look up, look down, look up, look down, look up, look down.

3. The icons identifying channels (Food channel, Syfy channel, etc.) which help quickly identify standard channels are so small that they're unidentifiable.

4.  Miscellaneous:  White-on-black is always a bad idea, bold-face white-on-black is even worse.  There's latency in moving up and down the Guide list (loading the channel logo icons freezes things for a moment each time), and in just typing in a channel number you wish to go to.

Without at least items (1) and (2) above being corrected or rolled back, we're finding the new Guide set-up is going to drive us away.  At the very least, there should be a roll-back option for those of us who strongly dislike the new arrangement.

Enthusiast - Level 1

**bleep**??? So these "customers" thought this update was great? Judging by the firestorm of criticism I would say that Verizon needs to reconsider this update and allow customers to either revert to the old one or at least allow us to customize the look to get closer to the way it was. The old saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" definitely applies here.😡

Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there any way to go back to the old guide? I agree with all the complaints here and the user experience has been terrible. We’re no longer able to jump to live, quickly fast forward in 10 minute increments in a saved show in the DVR, continue to watch a show while surfing through the guide, be able to see the shows for just one channel, find a show under My Stuff, etc. There is nothing in this new guide that I consider to be an improvement to the old one. Please please go back to the old format or send instructions on how to do that. Or at the very least provide instructions on how to use this new guide.

Enthusiast - Level 1

So relieved to scroll through all these shared reactions. What a disaster of an update - yet Verizon seems so proud of themselves! Very hard to believe these changes were thoroughly tested by customers. Everything everyone is complaining about is spot on. Perfect example of change for the sake of change, maybe to justify some VP's existence. Come on VZ, listen to your customers. The message seems clear.  

Enthusiast - Level 1

You need to undo these updates!  Bring back DVR chaptering, and allowing me to pop up the guide by pushing the up arrow while watching live tv.  Too much lag and drag on changing channels!  I have to pause a few seconds after entering the first number of a new channel before the system recognizes it!  Also, the new guide, which I hate, does not show the channel names.  Every channel has a generic "TV" logo. HAVE NEVER SEEN AN "UPDATE" WHERE EVERY SINGLE THING WAS MADE WORSE!  BETTER FIX THIS FAST OR I AM CHANGING PROVIDERS.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hmmmmm.....the feedback is being shared with the team that thought all of these changes were great?!?!?! Will that be followed by 'brainstorming solutions' taking endless amounts of time to make even more stupid changes? Here is a thought: someone could make an executive decision and say 'lots of paying customers are talking about switching to xfinity. Let's do what our customers want, roll back update immediately and save endless brainstorming for making useful future upgrades that we will have real paying customers test prior to broad rollout '. Or just endlessy review the same comments over and over. And discuss the meaning of life. Maybe throw in a political discussion or two also. Or JUST ROLL IT BACK!!!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Me too. It’s so bad I will consider changing service unless changes are made quickly. I can not stand the colors which are very difficult on the eyes, the delays when changing channels and the lack of color coding for movies.  Also the show episode is huge and the show title itself has a tiny font. Actors used to be visible immediately but now you have to press the “info” button to see the actors. Whoever designed this format did a terrible job and as a paying customer request you to consider immediate changes or you WILL lose customers. 

Enthusiast - Level 2


Enthusiast - Level 1

I am a very sticky customer as I’m usually too busy to bother comparison shop or be picky about details.

But this is so bad, I have to ask …is this an intentional attempt to drive away customers?
There’s no way a representative sample set of your customer base sees this is an improvement. 
Why would you take away a variety of functions and viewing features?
How can you release something that downgrades performance to this degree?
Things I’ve noticed that are worse than previously: 
1. Latency is terrible now across the board.  You’ve gone back at least 10 yrs if not 20+. Whether it be in response to pause, play, fast forward, pulling up or scrolling in the guide, pretty much everything including when typing in a channel digits dropping.  Unacceptably  frustrating.  
2. Why eliminate continued viewing of a program in top left while checking the guide?
3. Why eliminate the color coding in the guide?
4. Why eliminate the 10 min marker ‘chapter’ function?  Is the objective for viewers to waste their time being limited to slower forward/rewind, or just 30 second increments? 
5. What happened to retaining in memory previously watched channel?.. so when toggling between two stations you could rewind on the other if you missed something?  That was a nice feature.
6. ‘info bar & +30 sec” …what is the point of that staying up on your screen - blocking view of the program 
I’m sure there are other regressive changes. 
Shouldn’t you provide an option to keep the old format?  
To say this is a negative game changer is an understatement.
I hate spending time on this but you are forcing me to start checking out alternatives like cable or these streaming packages.
Your board needs to be informed of how bad this is. This will be a market share crusher for Verizon.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I will definitely change service if it does not change.  It is unusable.  If I cannot find what I want to watch, I will be totally frustrated and won't watch anything.  If I'm frustrated and not watching, I will just cancel and look at a different service.