Shameful Picture Quality for Fox Broadcast of Women’s World Cup
Enthusiast - Level 1

Given that they are showing this in 4K from numerous sources, the PQ on display by FIOS HD from Baltimore and DC affiliates was abismal!  I hold Verizon FIOS responsible for not working this out with affiliates to provide a decent HD PQ for $240/mo.  I’ll be canceling the TV service as soon as work out getting the wife set up with her favorite shows!

Shame, shame, shame on you! Do you even look at the crap your transmitting on your Fox channels?

3 Replies
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I had no complaints because I was able to watch in 4K on FIOS. Did you try streaming the broadcast on another device to see if Fox was at fault or Verizon was at fault? Didn't try myself as I had no need to. I've seen horrible PQ on some channels,  but it was the feed to Verizon, not something chosen by Verizon. I will agree however, over the last few years PQ on the whole has gone down. Wonder how other providers faired in comparison.

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I watched in HD from DC affiliate (have access to Baltimore but didn't switch) and found no issues at all with the broadcast quality.

What model STB do you have?

Is your TV HD or 4K?

A number of people have reported poor picture quality when using a 4K tv with anything other than the latest 4K stb.

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CRob may have your answer, but I believe FS1 broadcasts in 720P, which would be very hard for any 4K TV to up sample properly and give you good PQ. If you have a 1080 TV it should be acceptable.