Sportsman channel gone?
Enthusiast - Level 2

The sportsman channel, 308 and 591 HD, says I am not subscribed?  I have had it and watched it for years, what happened?

I am in Maryland near Damascus, MD.

3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

We're sorry for the troubles you're having tuning into the Sportsman channels.  If there have been no changes to your package that you've ordered, the symptom your describing normally occurs when you're having a signal issue.  Basically the signal getting to your set top box has degraded.  To resolve this you'll need to do just a little bit of minor troubleshooting. 

  1. Unplug the set top box from the power outlet.
  2. Unscrew the coaxial cable coming from the wall going into the set top box from both the wall and the set top box.
  3. Screw the cable back on to both the wall and the set top box.
  4. Reconnect the power cable to the power outlet.

Once you've done these four steps power the box back on and check your channels again.  This should restore picture to the channels that you've noticed, and also to any other channels that have been affected.  Please post to let us know if this has resolved your troubles.  Thanks for your patience and have a great weekend!


Contributor - Level 3

sportsman channel in HD for NYC please!!!

Master - Level 2

Its not gone and is in NYC but not in HD.  Might not be in your package.

308 Sportsman

307, 591 Outdoor channel