TV ad banner new guide update

Can we please get the option back to remove the stupid ads at the bottom of this already horrific guide ? I pay enough for tv I don’t need to be reminded what’s available on demand. 

2 Replies

I agree.  The new guide is horrible.  It's way too busy and the ads are super annoying.  The first day we had this, I had my kids ask me to buy the new trolls movie like 5 times.  This isn't a free service like Pandora, where suffering through the ads is the way we pay for the service.  I pay over $100 a month for tv.  I think that is sufficient enough to not be bombarded by ads every time I want to change the channel. 

My mother's set top box never received this new update.  She still has the previous guide and it is vastly better than the new one.   I hope verizon releases a patch so that there is an option to disable all ads.

I am really at the tipping point where the hassle of dealing with verizon is not worth it.  Everyday I find myself watching more and more streaming services.  If verizon keeps this up they will probably be losing my business soon.


now they appear at the TOP as well as the bottom and you can’t do anything until you click to the right to hit “dismiss”  - I’ve had to reject the same movie every tine I turn in my tv for 2 weeks, it’s infuriating with what we pay for fios (and I pay for multi room DVR  and am charged monthly for each of 5 set top boxes + the gigibit internet so it’s a hefty tab).  These ads are ABHORRENT and will honestly be the thing that drives me to bail and switch to xfinity.  It’s SO OFFENSIVE and INVASIVE to the user experience!!! 
