Update Alert - IMG 1.9.4
Specialist - Level 1

For those of you who, like me, were still in IMG 1.9.1 territory, you may have gotten updated last night to 1.9.4. It started around 2:55 a.m. by quickly resetting my STBs and leaving them without IMG functions for about 5 minutes. Then all the boxes started shutting down randomly to receive the new update. It finished about 3:30 a.m. EDT. Of course this was in the middle of one of my recordings, again (thanks Verizon).

I haven't discovered anything major yet. If your STB did not have the FiOS TV Home Screen before, you will need to disable it now (unless you enjoy spam when you turn your TV on, to each his own). Also, check your recording schedule (resets can do funny things like rescheduling conflicts that you'd already taken care of). And of course you will have to set your Guide mode again. Unfortunately, all the same issues with the Guide, Genres & Filters, and the Subscribed channels functions (as detailed here) remain in this update.

Probably the biggest change is to the Export Series to Cloud option. This setting can now be used to save all your settings to Verizon servers so that they can be transferred to a new STB/DVR in the event a replacement is needed. You can also use this function to transfer your settings from one STB/DVR to any other STB/DVR in your house. Not only does this mean that you do not have to reprogram all your settings into the replacement, but now you only have to program one box, Save those settings to the cloud and then use the Restore function to transfer those settings to any other box in your house. (Be aware that boxes get reset after a restore.)

To disable the FiOS TV Home Screen:

Menu > Settings > Television > Promotions > Disable > OK > Exit

The Export Series to Cloud function:

DVR > Settings > Export Series to Cloud > OK

The Save Settings function:

Menu > Settings > Save Settings > OK > OK > OK

The Restore Settings function:

Menu > Settings > Restore Settings > OK > OK > (Select Location Name) > OK

Not sure if the Export Series to Cloud function is the same as the Save Settings function, or if it still only does the Series settings. The Save Settings function describes itself in more detail and definitely does save everything (no not the recordings themselves). So I would choose this option until Verizon realizes that it left the other one there and decides to inform us of any differences.

That's it for now.

(Special thanks to Justin for tipping me off to the new ability to transfer settings from one STB to another.)

22 Replies
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THe home screen is not a 1.9.4 feature.  I have it on MY DVR that is still running 1.9.1.

Specialist - Level 1

Hi TNS_2,

You are correct. The FiOS TV Home Screen was part of the last 1.9.1 updates, but not for all STB models. While one of my boxes got it in 1.9.1, the other 3 just got it with the 1.9.4 update. That's why I put it as an " If ".

Master - Level 1

@lacticacidtrip wrote:

The FiOS TV Home Screen was part of the last 1.9.1 updates, but not for all STB models. While one of my boxes got it in 1.9.1, the other 3 just got it with the 1.9.4 update ...

You don't indicate the model numbers for your devices nor which devices show which properties for which IMG versions (a daunting task for sure).

Until you mentioned this, I was under the impression that, neglecting certain physical limitations and specifications, all STB/DVR models showed essentially the same features for a given IMG version or update.  I'm of course referring to general features, of which the new Home Screen is an example (a less than useful example in my view).

I take it you are saying this is not the case.

Specialist - Level 1

Hi armond_in_nj,

Yes. Strangely. I had also assumed that the reason my STBs had not gotten the Home Screen is because they were too old and it would take too much time to load. But here it is. YAY! My DVR (6416) received the Home Screen in 1.9.1. My STBs (2500s) just received it in 1.9.4.

In addition, the Audio Alert chimes on my DVR are chiming again (for such actions as deleting recordings). I do not know if the update turned them back on, or just fixed them so that they work again. I just know that I haven't heard them for a long time. This is another option that is not currently available on my STBs.

Audio Alerts:

Menu > Settings > Audio > Audio Alerts > On/Off > OK > Exit

Master - Level 3

@lacticacidtrip wrote:

Audio Alerts:

Menu > Settings > Audio > Audio Alerts > On/Off > OK > Exit

Have you confirmed that with the audio alerts on that the STB provides Dolby Digital 5.1 signals (when present in the channel)?  When this alert function was first introcuded. it disable DD 5.1. 

Specialist - Level 1

PJL wrote: Have you confirmed that with the audio alerts on that the STB provides Dolby Digital 5.1 signals (when present in the channel)?  When this alert function was first introcuded. it disable DD 5.1. 


No, I'm afraid my receiver is too old to even test for that. I wasn't aware that it was even an issue. I was just commenting on the fact that my Audio Alerts were making noise again. Not sure I even like it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I got mine last night, but now my external drive is not showing up. I tried enabling external storage again and rebooting, still not showing on reboot. Happening to anyone else?

Specialist - Level 1

Question for someone who still has IMG 1.9.1:

This question regards the Info Bar while using slow-motion. Play a recording on a DVR. Press Pause and the Info Bar pops up. Press FF to start slow motion and the bar goes away. Now press REW to start reverse slow motion. Upon pressing the REW button (or each successive direction reversal), my DVR displays the smaller Info Bar again (like when REW or FF). Is this new or did this happen before as well?

Contributor - Level 3

Thank you, lacticacidtrip, for taking the time to research and document these changes for us.

Specialist - Level 1

You are very welcome, djb. Just trying to do my part and follow the example set by others on this forum. After all, only half of what I know about FiOS is from personal experience. The other half is from reading posts on here. It isn't plagiarism if you put it in your own words, is it? Smiley Wink

Master - Level 1

@lacticacidtrip wrote:

... It isn't plagiarism if you put it in your own words, is it? ...

Actually restating or reformulating another person's words or ideas without attribution is  plagiarism according to most authorities:




In some states it's punishible by death or life imprisonment, so tread lightly.


Did you know maintaining a disorderly house, and being a public nuisance is on the books as a felony in Maryland?

The last time I had a background check, it was on the list of felonies I had not been found guilty of.Smiley Indifferent

I guess they have never seen my computer closet, or read some of my posts.Smiley LOL

Contributor - Level 3

@prisaz wrote:

Did you know maintaining a disorderly house, and being a public nuisance is on the books as a felony in Maryland?

The last time I had a background check, it was on the list of felonies I had not been found guilty of.Smiley Indifferent

I guess they have never seen my computer closet, or read some of my posts.Smiley LOL

Gosh, if they had such a law here in California I could be locked up for sure (3 Strike Law). No question but that I could be cited for at least 3 such violations. Woman LOL

Master - Level 1

@prisaz wrote:

Did you know maintaining a disorderly house, and being a public nuisance is on the books as a felony in Maryland? ...

No, I did not.  However let me state for the record that I have never, nor do I currently, maintain a disorderly house in Maryland.  Please refer questions about Delaware and Virginia to my attorney.

Specialist - Level 1

Update: Verizon just pushed through another update today removing the Export Series to Cloud option from the DVR menu. This means that either someone up there really does read these posts, or Verizon finally realized they'd left it there and decided to take it down on their own. Until they start leaving messages in the Message Center or start publicly posting these changes, there is no way to really know what all they've done or why they did it. At any rate, this means that there is now only one option for saving your settings (which is as it should be).

The Save Settings function:

Menu > Settings > Save Settings > OK > OK > OK

Specialist - Level 1

Not sure where to post this or how new it is, so I am putting it here. There is now a Rent to Buy option in VOD. Some movies that you are currently renting can be purchased for only the difference between the two costs. This option had been requested at least twice in the Idea Exchange. But it's implementation was never noted.

This option can be found here:

On Demand > My Library > My Upgrade Offers

The offer details can be seen here:

On Demand > My Library > My Current Offers > Rent to Buy

Community Leader
Community Leader

@lacticacidtrip wrote:

Not sure where to post this or how new it is, so I am putting it here. There is now a Rent to Buy option in VOD. Some movies that you are currently renting can be purchased for only the difference between the two costs. This option had been requested at least twice in the Idea Exchange. But it's implementation was never noted.

This option can be found here:

On Demand > My Library > My Upgrade Offers

The offer details can be seen here:

On Demand > My Library > My Current Offers > Rent to Buy

Again not new to 1.9.4.  Not sure if its not new, but lots of changes to the menus are now made without rolling at a new IMG.

The CL's have been pestereing them to publish a list of change in 1.9.4.  So far they have only responded with a few comments about whats in it and said even that was confidential.  More info is already out there from those who got 1.9.4 then they told us.

Community Leader
Community Leader

@lacticacidtrip wrote:

Question for someone who still has IMG 1.9.1:

This question regards the Info Bar while using slow-motion. Play a recording on a DVR. Press Pause and the Info Bar pops up. Press FF to start slow motion and the bar goes away. Now press REW to start reverse slow motion. Upon pressing the REW button (or each successive direction reversal), my DVR displays the smaller Info Bar again (like when REW or FF). Is this new or did this happen before as well?

It happens on 1.9.1.

Enthusiast - Level 1

is this why i am not getting DD sound out of my 5.1?  no BASS!!

Community Leader
Community Leader

Not all DD sent includes .1  or for that matter all 5 surround channels.