Video On Demand not working for Premium Channels

My VOD premium channels doesn't work. I AM subscribed to all the premium channels, such as HBO, Cinemax, SHO, STARZ, ENCORD. They worked when I first switched to Verizon TV but then just suddenly stopped working. I know I am still subscribed because I am still getting the live tv premium channels. When I go to start a video for a premium channel is stays "You are not subscribed to this package. If you would like to order, select "Subscribe Now" option. [VOD_46] Technical info: Not entitled for subscribtion."

I've hit Subscribe Now and wait. It says I have to wait till the order goes through and then after a couple hours, it starts displaying the "You are not subscribed to this package." message again. I can go through that process constantly and get no where. The premium channels package was on the most recent bill I received, so I know I am being charged for it.

I have spent about 4-5 hours with Verizon technical support and no one seems to be able to figure out what is going on. I am either told it should be fixed in 4-6 hours or 24-48 hours or a network techinican will call me back, etc etc. However, it has now been 1 month and I am no better off than I was before.

Please someone help! I feel like I'll never be able to watch my premium VOD's again! I do not know what else to do! 

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