WE-TV time Zone feed is wrong, West Coast is getting the East coast feed
Enthusiast - Level 3

The time zone is wrong for WE-TV the guide in both my DVR and the WE-TV page list the correct times for the West Coast, but you are sending the East coast feed as all programs are 3 hours late in the guide.  Right now as an example both guides say Roseanne should be on now, but I am watching CSI Miami which is 3 hours later.

As a result I can’t record a series and I must set a single program to record 3 hours early.  Long Beach, CA

As an addition I am using a Windows computer with cable cards and 14 tuners as my DVR and not the Verizon box.
2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Verizon doesn't supply the programming data for those of us with third-party tuners and CableCARDs. If you get your data through Windows Media Center, the guide data provider changed in early July. It's been causing a number of problems around the country, across virtually all providers (definitely not limited to FiOS). Things are getting corrected in some markets and on some carriers, but it's been slow.

If you're only having problems with the programming data on one channel, consider yourself lucky. The change of data provider has been a nightmare for some people.

Although I don't have a link to cite at the moment, do a quick Google search on the topic. Some people have posted links to a page where you can report issues to Microsoft. Presumably, this information is being passed on to Rovi, the new data provider.

Enthusiast - Level 3

As a Microsoft and Intel certified system builder, I am well aware of everything you mentioned. In the guide data there is an option to change the listings from west to east in some cases, but not for WE-TV.  That is not the problem the problem is that Verizon opted to provide only the East Coast feed to the West Coast, which is the root cause of the guide problem.