Why does BEIN Sports channel continually need to be activated?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Last week I went to record a program on the BEIN Sports Channel and found that the channel "was part of the line-up, and do I want to activate the channel now".  I clicked "OK" to activate the channel and then was abot set the program that was interested in to record.  Today I go to watch the BEIN Sports program I had set to record and the recording is nowhere to be found.  I changed channel to the BEIN Sports channel and once again was faced with "BEIN Sports is part of the line-up, and do I want to activate the channel now".  Why is this?  Why do i have to continually "active" this channel.  The program that I'm trying to record on BEIN Sports is pretty much the only thing I care about on the 200+ channels I'm paying for.  If I can't fix get this problem fixed I'm dropping Verizon.

1 Reply

Same problem.  Have the older Cisco boxes. Was told they don't verizon had fhem noted as not supporting the channel.  They've supposedly corrected this, but encouraged me to upgrade my boxes.  New boxes here in 3-5 days