Applying FiOS to my own APTs?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I don't know what's been happening but on every corner near our highway has had it's front lawn dug up. Now I don't know if this is Verizon installing it's service here (Which would be freaking incredible because I hate playing monopoly with TWC) or a bunch of **bleep** off people digging in their front lawn for no apparent reason. What I was wondering if I could sign a contract with Verizon to put FiOS in my lawn for my residents to enjoy FiOS. I am sure the rest of the neighborhood would be delighted if they ALL could get this. Our city isn't a poor one, and it's quite frustrating because a city 11 minutes from mine has FiOS but not mine ๐Ÿ˜• Our city is high populated with many growing businesses and I bet they would all love some sort of reliable internet service, not Road Runner which I might add as being complete crap ๐Ÿ˜• Anyways I just wanted to know if I could sign a contract with Verizon Fios to put it's service in my Apt if it's never coming to my area. But if it is, you should discard this thread ๐Ÿ™‚

1 Reply
Contributor - Level 3

I am sorry but we do not have advance notice of when FiOS will be available to an area. You can how ever sign up for notification of a change in status at FiOS Availability.

Thank you