Bait and Switch
Enthusiast - Level 1

My contract with Fios is about to expire and received a message on my TV that I can renew my contract for only $119/month.  That's a lot less than I'm paying now, so I agreed.

A few days later I received an email from Fios thanking me and then telling me the REAL costs. Including fees and taxes, my bill will be a staggering $235 a month!! I knew $119 was a come-on, but I never expected the final bill to be over double that amount.

So let me ask you all a question:  Isn't Bait and Switch illegal?

2 Replies

If all service costs and fees are not disclosed. Yep it is.

i would first contact your states Public Utilities Commission or Public Service Commission or Department of Public Service via a google search in your locale.

you can also contact your states Attorney Generals Office and file a charge with them.

you could first try and get Verizon to reduce it to where it belongs, or even just cancel and go elsewhere for service.

Moderator Emeritus

Hi bronxer99,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.