Downed Wire Laying Across MY DRIVEWAY

So today 04/10 at around 2:30PM I heard a loud noise. I look outside to see a wire hanging across my driveway onto a small tree blocking entry to my driveway. I know it was the FIOS cable because my internet and cable were immediately cut. I called Verizon asap. After being put on hold customer support informed me that there is nothing they can do and the can send a tech tomorrow before noon. I was basically told because this was called in so lte in the day they would not be able to get their techs out today. HOW ARE THERE NO EMEGENCY TECHS FOR THESE SITUATIONS?? Forget the fact that my small town does not allow street parking, this is more than an inconvenience. There are college and high school age students in my house who need internet to get their work done. Verizon told me they would contact the area manager and "see what they can do". That was **bleep**. 10 minutes later I received a text with a ticket number saying a tech would be sent out in the morning. They also told me to contact my town to take care of the wire in the meantime to be safe (should have realized this meant they had 

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...they had no intentions of making it out today).  I did contact my town. They told me they do not have the equipment to deal with the issue and would have just contacted Verizon themselves. I am so tired of Verizon's crap. After a bad experience renewing our contract last winter, I am about ready to switch to Optimum. It would be a lot cheaper and I doubt they treat their customers like this!

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This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.
