Drop Wire charge to me for neighbor's cable on MY property??

I just received a bill from Verizon C/o CMR claims Dept. out of the blue.  And have called Verizon for help regarding such but I've spoken to 3 people so far and am not getting anywhere.

The NEIGHBOR's fios cable was replaced way on the other side of their property (across the driveway even from my house) and we were charged for the work ($214.03) -  I guess assuming that we cut or damaged their cable.  My issue is that 1)  We've never dug  on our neighbor's yard . 2)  Texas Administrative Code for utilities require at least 18". Nothing I've come across shows that Verizon follows this 3) I've checked all our easements and Verizon doesn't have lawful access to our property for a neighbor's cable installation so if it was in fact ever on our property, it wasn't legally installed. 4) We actually asked the neighbors to let us know if they ever figured out what was the cause of the problem was and to have Verizon talk with us if there was a problem when they came out and that NEVER happened. 5) Then we just receive this bill with no talk/notice or anything for something we never ordered.  We are not responsible for this as Verizon never spoke to us to establish any type of service responsibility.  Plus it says its a repair and I directly observed a Verizon crew putting in an entire new cable in the the neighbor's yard.

I want to get this resolved but CMR apparently doesn't really have Verizon Company connections except for it being a billing facility for Verizon special billing claims.

Please advise!!



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Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".
Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
