Installation Appointment


I contacted Verizon chat because I had an issue with my STB and ended up upgrading to a contract ofr about 15 bucks less. (Which I am sure is a lie! knowing Verzon) Anyway after going back and forth with the rep as far as appointment times go we finally nailed dones down. The first one they offered me was  a 8am-10am slot i said that was too early for a 4 hour install (even though I had all the equipmet already) So I chose 10am-12 pm slot. So what does the Tech do..... They call at 8:45 in the freakin morning telling me thaty would be there in an hour or so WTH???!! Why did I make the appoint for 10am anyway. Had I made it for 8 they wouldve been late! Very frustrated with them right now.

2 Replies
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Community Leader

So I'm not sure I understand. You have a 10 to 12 appointment and the tech is getting there at 945? What's the problem?


I hate to say this but because they arrive 15 minutes early is no reason to be upset.

i would rather have them show up a few minutes befor 10 am than 45 minutes after 1 pm.