Issue with Xbox eGift Card Promotion
Enthusiast - Level 1

Like many other posts I have seen on here, I am unable to redeem my $50 Xbox eGift Card promotion attached to the 1 Gig Gamer package for FIOS. I was able to claim and receive the ethernet adaptor without issue however the URL does not exist when I go to claim the eGift Card. I spoke with Verizon Support who directed me to the Promotions Department where they stated that the promotion shows as claimed on my end however I have not received an email with the promotion and the tile still shows as active. Though the tile says it is for the $50 eGift Card, it takes me to a page to claim a $100 eGift Card as if I am under the 2 Gig Gamer Package as I believe that is the promo associated, could this be the cause of the issue? The URL clearly needs fixed in this case and with the amount of issues customers have had I am surprised that it is still an ongoing issue.

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