Link to register for $150 prepaid mastercard

I received the email today to redeem my $200 google credit and register for my $150 prepaid mastercard.  I was able to redeem the $200 credit.  But there is no place to register for the mastercard.  There is no reward card image coming up. Here is the portion of the email showing this.  Where is the mastercard registration link??

It's time to get $200 toward a range of Google and Nest smart home devices and a $150 Verizon Prepaid Mastercard.

Great news! It's now time to redeem your Fios rewards. And remember, you get two─$200 toward a range of Google and Nest smart home devices and a 贶 Prepaid Mastercard.*

Step 1
$200 towards Google and Nest smart home devices

A. Click on the Redeem now button below and log in using your user ID and password.

B. Click on the Redeem Google Offer link to choose how you'd like to use your $200.



Step 2
$150 Prepaid Mastercard

If you're still signed in to My Verizon after completing step 1, go straight to B

A. Click on the Redeem now button below and log in using your user ID and password.

B. Click on the reward card image and follow the on-screen instructions to register your reward.

C. Watch for your card to arrive approximately 30 days after you've registered.



1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

Hi law_forum,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
