Looking for higher level support to resolve my issue

I'm not going to use the forum to bad mouth Verizon - I'm too tired at this point and it's pointless to do so - I would just like to get my issue resolved.

At the beginning of the month (June), I placed an order to get my current Fios service transferred from my current address to the new home that I will be moving to.  I requested for my service to be disconnected and connected on the same day (June 20th).  Well, a couple of weeks before the scheduled disconnect/connect date, I received word that the closing date of my new home would not happen on the 20th and the new date was TBD.  So, I called {edited for privacy}in order to reschedule a new arbitrary date until the new closing date was determined.  The agent I spoke to on the phone said that should would reschedule everything for me, it would take too long over the phone, so to save my time she let me go. Unbeknowns to me, she was successfully able to change the disconnect/reconnect date for the Fios TV service, but not the internet.  On the 20th, my internet was disconnected.  I called {edited for privacy}o see if I could get my internet turned back on, but was transferred to a different deparment.  I was told I could not just reenable my internet service on my existing account, so I had to order new internet service under a new account - I went ahead and did this so I could get internet back on (I work from home and need internet service).  I asked what I need to do when I wish to change my moving date - unfortunately, since the accounts are seperate I have to do the process twice, one for each account.

So, what I've been trying to do for 3 days now and spending over 4 hours on hold and maybe 3 hours speaking to a representative, is combine both accounts into one for billing purposes and for account management purposes.  No one has been able to help me out and I've gotten no where.  All that I am asking for is for someone at a higher level help me out in getting my request taken care of.  Currently what I have been told is Verizon cannot combine both accounts - either for billing purposes or account management purposes; when I transfer my services to my new address my internet can be disconnected and connected in the same day, but the TV cannot (the TV has to be cancelled 6 days before it can get transferred to the new location); and my new internet equipment for my new address has been shipped out and you guys are expecting my old equipment ASAP.  I've been a loyal Verzion customer for over 10 years now (Residential and Wireless combined) and hope to get some better service.


Robert S.

1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.

Please go to your profile page here on the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.

Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions.

To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".

Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
