Number of movies for which you can only buy and not rent.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Is anyone getting aggravated by the number of movies on demand that you can only buy.  It seems as if I am running into this issue all too frequently now.  I am beginning to find this very upsetting given the amount of money I pay for my monthly service!!!!  I guess this is just another ploy by a Verizon marketing guru to squeeze more dollars from subscribers. If this continues, I guess I'll either have to get Netflix or switch providers. 

2 Replies
Master - Level 3

Sorry for your frustration with the Flex View service. Most new movies are available to buy 10 days before it is available to rent.

Enthusiast - Level 2

ditto, ditto, and another ditto !!! yes, the amount we pay each month and can not even rent many movies! And we refuse to "buy' from Verizon On Demand!!!" we just buy movies in a store now (or from at least we then have the DVD on our shelf !!! and yes, we are also thinking of changing but then we would be out the movies (if we purchased them ) since we don't get the DVD sent to us when we purchase the movie from Verizon!?!?!?