Outrageous Phone Bill

I received a  call while in  England from   a relative in the States in mid-January.

I  did not have any information on  international  rates  at that point as  was surprised the call went through. I talked for less than an  hour   and  when I   went to sleep,  went to work and then ate  supper the next day I returned to my flat and  saw the  phone on my  study desk.  It  said the  previous call  was  still  running  at  18 hours and some odd minutes. 

I   called to  pay my monthly  bill soon after and the bill was  normal but there was  some  "background" fee of roughly  $2000 for this call.      The helpful  Verizon   service rep  said she  would in light of the exorbitant bill  retroactively change the billing plan to $10/day for those rare days when I  used the phone in England. They said the large fee for the call would  quietly  disappear. A month later I believe the same promise was made. They said the billing change "would" occur, not that it "might."

     When I  came  back to the  States they  suspended my  phone.  I called Verizon and they said the 18-hour  phone call  bill  looked unreasonable and that they would  send  the $2000 credit my way.  It was  later denied  by some  higher-up.  The  same thing happened a few days  later:  I was  promised the credit but some higher-up later denied it. believe it happened a third time. At this point the word "scam" was  echoing  through  my brain.

 I contacted the caller  and he remembered the short phone call that started this mess.   He  said he was at a landline which would always  hang up when the phone was laid down. I  do not plan on paying this until there is  more  evidence the conversation  lasted  18 hours.    Consumer advocates said they would be willing to help when I provide them  written proof  this actually occurred. In the mean  time any advice will help. This  seems outrageous.

6 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi yandosan,

It sounds like this may be a Verizon Wireless issue. Please be aware that these forums are dedicated to residential products and services offered by Verizon. For Verizon Wireless issues, please visit the Verizon Wireless Community.


That link is  currently  broken for me.

Moderator Emeritus

Hi yandosan,

The link is currently working on my end. You can try manually entering community.verizonwireless.com into your browser's address bar.


Chrome, Firefox and   IE all   send me  to a  page that  is  HTTP  Status 500  block when I  click the forum link, a URL too  cumbersome to post here.

Are you allowed to help me  move it?  I'm flabbergasted.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Your best bet is to contact Verizon Wireless directly.
These forums are basically peer to peer support forums.

You can reach them on twitter @vzwsupport. They are available 24/7


From the states 1-800-922-0204 


normally a phone will shut off after a certain time, the phone service in the UK is different than the USA.

technically verizon would be right to charge since they don’t know if the phone was used in talking or computer hook up etc. 

you can also file a FCC complaint http://www.fcc.gov but they may say you are liable