Personal Verizon website ... Looking for a free web site hosting service

I recently tried to update my verizon-hosted web site but I find that verizon no longer allows ftp access to my site.  As a consequence, I can't modify any existing files, add any new files, nor even delete the old ones.  In short, I have a web site that I cannot change in any way.  Verizon claims that the reason for disabling ftp access is security concerns.  If that is really the case, then simply use one of the methods for securely transferring files, Duh!  (There are several methods such as explicit  FTPS or SFTP "The SSH File Transfer Protocol")  I don't get it.  There doesn't seem to be any reason for not allowing file transfers to and from your own web site except to screw the customer.

I don't even want to try to recreate my site using the horrible SiteBuilder tool.  I have better things to do and I couldn't get it to look and behave exactly the same way using "SiteBuilder."  Hence, I'm looking for a free web site hosting service to use.  I would appreciate any suggestions. 

Once I have my site up, I'll look into seeing if there is any way of deleting everything at the verizon site and then creating a one page site at the same address that contains nothing but a link to my new site.

5 Replies

I've moved my site to another host.

But now I have no way to delete any of the files at my verizon site.  Reading other posts from people have the same problem, it seems there is no way that I can delete these files, someone from Verizon has to do it.

Will someone at Verizon please help!

Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm not from Verizon, but I have a question....

Did you try to dis-allocate the web space for that user account, wait 24 hours and reapply the webspace to that user account?

In theory that should wipe the web space and then you can use the toy they provide to try and install a meta-refresh redirection.

I'd be very interested in the outcome for others that can't get through the proscribed and frustrating method of speaking to india. Please try it and post your results!




>Did you try to dis-allocate the web space for that user account, wait 24 hours and reapply the webspace to that user account?

>In theory that should wipe the web space and then you can use the toy they provide to try and install a meta-refresh redirection.

>I'd be very interested in the outcome for others that can't get through the proscribed and frustrating method of speaking to >india. Please try it and post your results!

I tried but couldn't get it to work.  I made a sub-account and tried to move the space to the sub-account but unfortunately the system wouldn't let me reduce the space in the main account to less than the amount in use!

Tomorrow I'll try the "Live Chat" feature with a Verizon agent.  I fear it may be a royal pain to fix this problem.

Enthusiast - Level 3


OK, thanks for the answer.

Logically it should have worked.



Contributor - Level 3

Verizon support is in receipt of this issue. We will send you a PM to gather additional information.


Tonya D.

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