Pole in my backyard abandoned decades ago. Verizon keeps closing tickets without removing it.

I had made it a goal this year to get the abandoned telephone pole in my backyard removed. I have called Verizon several times and have spoken to crews that had come onto my property for other work. However, every time Verizon opens a ticket, they close it without activity.  I don't have the number for the first repair ticket, but the other two were [Edited for privacy] and [Edited for privacy]. The last one was supposedly escallated to tier 2, but despite the woman assuring me that she would have it taken care of, I never heard from her again. The abandoned pole is about 9' tall. It is the old pole# 12. The replacement pole #12 is less than 10' away from it

I just called Verizon again today.  A new ticket was assigned.  [Edited for privacy].  I was assured by the rep that he spoke to his supervisor and the pole will be removed on 12/20/23. I asked him what happened to the last ticket. It sounds like it was closed without and reason. I informed him that I was skeptical that anyone was going to remove my pole in 5 days since the last ticket was escallated to tier 2, but closed without action.

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