Slim down from Triple Play

Enthusiast - Level 1

So I am retired and no longer can afford the cost of a 'Bundle'.  We don't need the land line that we pay Verizon for.  We can get by with antennae or internet so would like to cancel the Cable TV package.

Still want to keep the internet and email address but could switch service providers if necessary and use gmail.

Verizon has a good internet package for 'new' customers.  Do I have to drop my service to get the best pricing?  Will I loose my 'aol' email address when I cancel?

$200 for watching TV is just not an option any more...

Thanks folks!


2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Are you under contract? If so, you will pay etf.

You may find it is just as cheap to keep a local TV package as to drop.

When you say AOL address, if it is truly, then it won't go away.

If there is someone else in the house, they can sign up and get new customer pricing.

Enthusiast - Level 1

My contract expired some time back.  I don't need the TV or the land line.

Good news about the email address, not that I'm a fan of the AOL setup but gmail still confuses me.

Thanks for the response either way.  I'll see what they can do.  May have to switch back to Comcast (Ugh!)