Technician Service Charge


We had a technician come to our home in December because a wire had come down outside our home and all internet/tv service was out.  The technician was really great and got the problem solved.  He also noted that all of our neighbors had their lines underground so the exposure to downed wires isn't a problem for them. He got approval to get our FIOS wired underground and that happened at the beginning of 2018.  So, a very good result and no problem with our service now.  My issue is that I received a $50 "Technician Visit - Repair" charge on my January bill.  At no point during the set up of the appointment nor when the technician was on site was there any mention of a service charge.  I assumed that there was no charge since it was a Verizon equipment failure.  In my homeowner experience, no business sends out a tech/service person without letting you know there is a service fee up front.  I spoke with at least 2 or 3 Verizon service reps regarding this appointment, and while they were all helpful in getting the timing I needed, they never said there will be a charge.  (The technician didn't leave any paperwork indicating a charge either.) This is not a good business practice -- no one wants to be surprised with a charge after the fact.

4 Replies
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Just a friendly reminder, this is a forum where users help other users. It looks like your issue may require a Verizon representative to review your account details. Please visit our Support page for a variety of ways to contact Verizon, or contact Customer Support at 1-800-VERIZON.


@Sharon3 wrote:


We had a technician come to our home in December because a wire had come down outside our home and all internet/tv service was out.  The technician was really great and got the problem solved.  He also noted that all of our neighbors had their lines underground so the exposure to downed wires isn't a problem for them. He got approval to get our FIOS wired underground and that happened at the beginning of 2018.  So, a very good result and no problem with our service now.  My issue is that I received a $50 "Technician Visit - Repair" charge on my January bill.  At no point during the set up of the appointment nor when the technician was on site was there any mention of a service charge.  I assumed that there was no charge since it was a Verizon equipment failure.  In my homeowner experience, no business sends out a tech/service person without letting you know there is a service fee up front.  I spoke with at least 2 or 3 Verizon service reps regarding this appointment, and while they were all helpful in getting the timing I needed, they never said there will be a charge.  (The technician didn't leave any paperwork indicating a charge either.) This is not a good business practice -- no one wants to be surprised with a charge after the fact.

I was told i needed a service call. I explicitly asked several times of i would be charged and the rep told me no.  I stated how i had been unknowingly charged for a service call in the past and it took a ehile to be reimbursed.  The customer service rep repeatedly assured me i would not be charged.  Now two months after the service I get a mysterious $50 increase in my bill.   Had to call to complain about this two part repair charge of $50 per month for two months.  Looks like once again I’ve been swindled.  It’s now been six week for a 3-5 business day investigation to verify i am supposed to be reimbursed.  Now i cannot cancel without gettingr my koney back but there is no end in sight.  Customer service is not helpful and is unwilling to provide any proof that i will be reimbursed after this investigationnis complete.  This company is evil.  I want out as soon as i get my money back.  This is nothing short of a scam.  Also i should note that I had to call over ten times to dispute extra charges during the initial installation process.  I’d guess, conservstively, that I have wasted at least ten to twelve hours dealing with unjustified extra charges. It has been a painful experience.  Someone please help me.

Moderator Emeritus
Hi Kmush,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents, who will be assisting you privately.
Moderator Emeritus

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