Unfair Tech Repair Charges

I called in on Monday, April 5, 2021 to cancel my account because of the increase in fees. The person I spoke with offered to increase my plan from 50mbps to 200mbps at the same rate with the auto-pay discount which I agreed to. $39 after $10 auto-pay for 200Mbs. They processed the change.

A few hours later, the speeds were not increasing so I called in to Verizon Repair. Verizon Repair ran some tests and said there was a problem at the ONT box located outside of my house. They said I would need to wait for a technician until Wednesday from 12-2. There was no cost to send the technician.

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, a technician arrived at 1:45PM and proceeded to the back yard to work on the ONT. He told me that he appears to be getting the proper connection speed and that it might be an issue inside. When we came inside, he told me that it may be the ethernet wire. I offered to run a new wire and he said that there shouldn't need to be, he would just cut off the plastic connector and put a new one on. The connector is a $0.28 part (https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/stewart-connector/940-SP-3044/388264?utm_adgroup=Connecto...) that he offered to replace and that I would have myself, as I suggested running a new CAT6 cable. 

After replacing the part outside and plugging it in and doing some other diagnostics on his remote device, the bandwidth issue was resolved. The technician left the property and I proceeded as it was with a faster speed connection.

On Wednesday evening, I received an electronic bill for $159 for "Jack Work" and the "Technician Visit". I was never told there would be a charge for either option and considering that I called in to cancel my service and switch to Cox Communications initially, I never would have agreed to such a fee when an equivalent product would have cost me nothing to install. The fact that the work was done on their equipment and after they rejected my offer to replace the wire is the absolute definition of an unfair business practice.

I tried calling and speaking with the technical office but they refused to do anything about it and one of the chat representatives even tried to pass it off as a one time upgrade charge, something that was never explained nor can be found anywhere on the site.  While I have filed an online complaint with the county consumer office, I would like to get this resolved.

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Moderator Emeritus

Hi drobee,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Messenger inbox for a message from a Verizon support agent. You can find your inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page and then clicking the envelope icon that appears at the top of the menu. Response times may vary and may be delayed at this time. Please continue to check your Inbox for a reply from a Verizon agent. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
