Verizon Pole Relocation Request

Anyone know how to or who I would request that a Verizon owned line pole be relocated.  The pole is directly in the middle of me and my neighbors shared driveway and has been hit at least twice during the slippery winter season. It's also just a pain pulling in and out of the driveway with the pole there.  I contacted my local electric department and they said that Verizon owns the pole and they can't do anything about it.  

1 Reply

Call 1-800-VERIZON 

tell them you need a pole moved. Funny in NY the place a bogus $2.49 on each invoice for NYS Municipal Construction Surcharge which is to move poles. However they don’t give any clear way to have it done.

i would call your states Public Utilities Commission or Public Service Commission and have them contact verizon. Maybe tell them to have verizon give a dedicated phone number for the millions of dollars they collect each month to repostion the poles.