cmr drop line charge

Does anyone know how to talk to a human verizon agent about a drop line repair charge?? I'm being harrassed by a CMR claims agent that will NOT allow me to appeal their decision to charge me over $1500.00  for a "repaired" line that the verizon technician provided a fancy new external portal and spared no expense - it was a faboulous UPGRADE for verizon at my expense!!!  This was after a line was cut that was INCORRECTLY marked by the 3rd party utility marking company. I call 811 BEFORE we broke ground but CMR will not accept my explaination and does nothing but yell at me on the phone. Someone please help!

4 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi Help_needed,

Claims Management Resources (CMR) is a Verizon authorized vendor that provides invoicing services to recover Verizon’s cost to repair damage done to the Company’s facilities. This includes but is not limited to:
• Buried and Aerial lines
• Poles
• Conduit and vehicles
CMR can handle disputes of claims directly, and works with the local field office that performed the repair. If you wish to dispute a CMR claim, you may contact them by phone at 1-800-321-4158 or by email at


I have tried several times to speak with CMR- "Matthew" -he will not allow me to appeal  the charges and says I have to pay them nor will he refer me to a verizon agent to discuss this matter. I have "chatted" with verizon online and was referred to customer service and was on hold for 1 hour on one of my attempts, then was called back to verizon and was disconnected. So needless to say, i have yet to speak with a verizon agent. I did what I was supposed to by calling 811 and they came to mark the utility lines. we immediatley went to make the determination as to when to dig. once we dug then there was the wire - not marked correctly by the 3rd party utility company. I had 3 other people helping me to determine where to dig. There was no logic to the wires route underground. It was as if it was routed in a completely illogical route! It actually circled out and around versus a direct line in! Im sure the contractor that originally installed it was getting paid by the foot for installation ($$$) by verizon. In addition, not only was a repair done but the tech that came to repair the line went ahead and installed a new panel box - put it directly beside the old one out by the street! Why didnt he make the repair and not a complete upgrade at the expense of a home owner???  



I, too, received a bill from CMR on behalf of Verizon in March 2021.  

A Verizon cable was disconnected from my house after a severe storm in January 2021 (we still had internet).  I called Verizon to report this downed wire because the line fell in the middle of the road and cars were stopping/turning around because they were unsure what type of wire it was.  A Verizon Rep came out, assessed the situation and told me the only way to re-connect the line to my house was by drilling into the siding.  I agreed to the drilling into the siding. He fixed it in less than 15 minutes and off he went.  

I was shocked in March when I received a bill of $206.25 from CMR (subcontractor for Verizon). I immediately reached out to Verizon Corporate to dispute the charges but never received a response back. I wrote letters to the VP over Compliance stating this charge was unwarranted and would like it to be reviewed.

I never heard back.  Radio silence.

I then reached out to the Office of the Attorney General in my State who opened up an investigation into questionable billing practices by Verizon Corporation.  A representative from Verizon then called me and put me in contact with the local Verizon Manager who oversaw the work.  I spoke directly with this gentleman, who after explaining what occurred, this Manager stated "the charges are upheld".  This was after I specifically told him that I was never information at any time there would be a charge for this service nor did I sign anything to agree that I would be billed for this service. Again, he stated that the charges would remain.

An investigation was opened by the AG and I was assigned an Agent. At the same time, I reached out directly to CMR and outlined the issue.  CMR determined that because I did not sign an agreement to the work or the charges for said work (per Verizon's own internal policy), the charges would be dropped.  I informed the Investigator with the Attorney General of the outcome and thanked him for his assistance. 

Bottom line: Verizon does not adhere to their own policies (requiring a signature prior to starting the work and customers understanding there is a fee with said work) and it was only my reaching out to the Office of the Attorney General to have these charges dismissed. 

Moderator Emeritus

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