pay the bill after closing the account
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi, how to pay the bill after closing Verizon fios account (no possibility sign in) of course not phone (additional fee plus I have to do from outside of USA during long vacation) - without additional fees. Can I make payment by bank transfer (from my own bank to the verizon fios account) what is the account number what date I heve to put? Can I pay by credit card via the Verizon fios website (without active account)?

3 Replies

@airbike wrote:

Hi, how to pay the bill after closing Verizon fios account (no possibility sign in) of course not phone (additional fee plus I have to do from outside of USA during long vacation) - without additional fees. Can I make payment by bank transfer (from my own bank to the verizon fios account) what is the account number what date I heve to put? Can I pay by credit card via the Verizon fios website (without active account)?

I believe the process of paying via credit card is still available when you login to the web portal. They don't normally close the customer portal for quite sometime. I know on the verizon home portal (residential) I paid my mother in laws last payment that way and printed out the receipt.

Enthusiast - Level 2

...immposible If 180 days have past so .....sayonara my friend back to question who knows is it possible by bank order ?


@airbike wrote:

...immposible If 180 days have past so .....sayonara my friend back to question who knows is it possible by bank order ?

Not possible. They will accept a payment over the phone with service fee.

if you have waited 180 days it's more than likely in collections, which is ruining your credit rating. You never should have waited so long to want to pay.

even though your out of the country it may be best to spend the money on the call to verizon billing. Most voipo services include long distance for free or limited *mine gives 60 free minutes to international destinations * per month.