"mix and match" not available to existing customers?
Enthusiast - Level 3

I'm up to renew my bundle.  With the new bill-bloat (sports fees) and unnecessary equipment upgrades (new router for $15/mo vs. existing, working, router) it looks like around a 30% increase.  I looked into the new "mix and match" that Verizon been crowing about but when you get through the details it turns out that it's not available to existing loyal customers.  (note the "mix and match" would give me more capability for even less than my current bundle!).  Discussions on the web say to sign up for "new" service and drop the existing one, but I can't believe the even Verizon would make it this difficult for they're current customers.  While I evaluate the alternatives (Cox's new Contour upgrade looks really nice) I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to cut through the Verizon **bleep** and get a fair deal.

21 Replies

Be careful when switching to this plan, I agreed to switch because it was going to save me $10, I asked if anything else would change and was assured no. Well when I got an email the next day I lost other discounts I had plus I lost my enchanted DVr service. When I called to switch back I was told they couldn’t do that but for $22 more I can get my dvr service back, WHAT?. Are they serious I am livid. I have been with Verizon for over 25 years and every single time I add or upgrade I lose something else and they can’t give me back my old service. I am now waiting for a supervisor to call me back. I am done if she can’t fix this without charging me more everything will be out on my porch and they can come get it.