reaching a customer service rep
Enthusiast - Level 1

I joined 13 months ago and the few times i've had to call customer service the hold time has always been super long just today i was on hold for over 30 minutes when i finally had enough and hanged up.  called the same number but chose sales and the phone was picked up right away.  On line chat doesn't alway work and finding an email or any other way to comunicate is non there unless its very well hiden.  Verizon has the worst customer service i have ever had to deal with and t this point paying the $120 cancellation fee its a blessing.  I still wish i had an email to contact them but at this point if i dont get one before saturday when optimum will change my service over to them i guess they will never hear from me again.

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Community Leader
Community Leader

I've had good luck using twitter @verizonsupport.

what's the issue you are trying to resolve?