Will Verizon ensure that it's Google Pixel receives updates at the same time as Google store bought phones?

Enthusiast - Level 2

Does anyone know whether Verizon will be ensuring that it's Verizon sold Google Pixel phones receive operating system updates right when Google releases them?  Not security updates, but operating system updates.

I wish they would clarify this.

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39 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I still don't trust them handling the updates even though they say they will be updated at the same time as the Google pixels are updated.  My brother's VZW Nexus6 is still on 6.0.1 and Nougat has been out for the N6 for several weeks now but you never know....

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Even Google has a staggered rollout for updates. The past security updates on my Nexus tablet usually never showed up until the middle of the month or a week or two after the update was made available.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


Ann154 wrote:

Even Google has a staggered rollout for updates. The past security updates on my Nexus tablet usually never showed up until the middle of the month or a week or two after the update was made available.

Another example would be the Nougat update for my Nexus 5X. I received that update 2-3 weeks after it was announced it was being sent out to phones. I saw people complaining they had not yet received the same update a week or two after I had already received. it.



my son and I have Nexus 6p, which were supposed to get nougat first.  It didn't come through till last week. 

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes, I have the 6P also and have had Nougat for 3weeks now but Google bought Nexus6's (not the 6P) have had Nougat for several weeks also but the VZW Nexus6 still has not received it.

Enthusiast - Level 2

So will the unlocked version on Google play actually work on Verizon network? I tried to find out this info while chatting with someone from Verizon but they seem to keep sidestepping my question.


Yes, both Verizon and Google have confirmed that the device purchased from Google with work on Verizon, including HD Voice and wifi calling.

Verizon and Google confirm Wi-Fi calling and HD voice will work with Pixel phones from Google Store

Enthusiast - Level 2

So based on the most recent announcements last week, it appears that the Verizon sold device will receive major updates as the Google Store sold device.  This is great news!

Glad they were able to message it...  Very good news...


Good question.  Could go either way.  If you base it on Verizon's behavior in the past, no.  This time around might be different though.  Verizon would lose a lot of credibility if they failed to meet their commitment given the public statement that was made and published on the tech websites.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I haven't gotten update since 10/5, which is hard to believe with all the software issues I'm reading about on here and online.  They seem to be overwhelmed with the bugs in their flagship phone's debut. Boo!

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Considering the phone wasn't actually available until 10/20, I don't know you could have an update from before that date.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Guess you'd have to check with Google for that question.  What does your phone say under Settings, About Phone, System Updates?


I purchased my Pixel from Verizon on 21 oct. Before I purchased my pixel I asked at least 4 different Verizon employees during 3 separate visits to the Verizon Corporate store if Android updates would come directly from Google and not be controlled by Verizon. Each time I was told all updates would be distributed directly from Google and not go through Verizon. I also called Verizon tech support and asked the same question and received the same answer. Now I find out after asking Google the same question that updates will be processed and distributed by Verizon. Now I have to take responsibility for this since I trusted Verizon and should have called Google before I made my purchase. I have been a Verizon customer for more than 10 years and have always been happy with the cellular service and customer support has usually been very good. My only complaint has been Verizon's poor service when it comes to timely software updates which I figured would be solved by purchasing a phone that would eliminate Verizon from the software delivery loop. Now I'm stuck with a very expensive phone since the purchase was more than 14 days ago and verizon will not take the phone back. I have 4 phones on my account and I planned to replace 2 of them next month but I am very seriously considering taking the lost on my current phones and going to another cell carrier when I replace the 2 phones next month. The lies from Verizon concerning my Pixel has been the last straw.

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Did you read the article link in the earlier post in this thread? Re: Will Verizon ensure that it's Google Pixel receives updates at the same time as Google store bou...

Verizon Wireless is releasing the updates the same time as Google. It was happened already. Look at the dates for the Pixel phones. Advanced Devices Software Updates | Verizon Wireless

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


The release you referenced was a minor release, to say the least. My original question concerned all releases and Verizon lied. I have no alternative other than to sit and wait to see what happens, but as far as I'm concerned Verizon lied. My fault, i should have posed question to Google before I made purchase. For the record, you can find numerous articles on the web, from reliable sources, where Verizon as changed position on how updates are to be handled.

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I agree it was a minor release, but it does set the tone for the future releases. Both Verizon and Google confirmed that the updates won't be delayed by Verizon. This first one wasn't delayed as promised.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


spred​ since your in for a penny, you might as well hang in until you see proof to the contrary. 

One of the reasons Verizon got the exclusive is Google absolutely didn't want carrier interference.  You may notice the one thing you don't see on the Pixel and iPhone, that every other phone sold by big red does have?  The Verizon logo.

Verizon is the only carrier that sells unlocked out of the box and google refused to carrier lock the phone.    They refused to build carrier software into the phone, so you can uninstall the Verizon apps.  This is a shot across Apples bow.  It may be a feeble shot and 8-9 years late, but its about time android took on Apple.  

iphones do get carrier updates.  Apple updates don't require cellular service.  The Pixel is the same way.  So if you do decide to switch, you can keep the Pixel and it will update direct from google just fine. 

Its tough to be the owner of a trail blazing phone. 

Specialist - Level 1

JERTID71 wrote:

I haven't gotten update since 10/5, which is hard to believe with all the software issues I'm reading about on here and online. They seem to be overwhelmed with the bugs in their flagship phone's debut. Boo!

If you're looking at the Android security patch in the phone settings menu (dated Oct 5th) that does not correlate to the last time the phone downloaded an OTA update. There has been one update, and it was released on October 20th with the debut of the phone itself to fix some wifi issues.

That said, most phones (can't think of any actually) do not get multiple firmware updates in a month. The Pixel phone is great, and it's running Android 7.1 which is a super recent version of the operating system. I haven't seen reports of  the issues you claim, but I bet many issues could be from apps not being properly prepared for Android 7.1.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm looking at Settings => About phone => System updates.  I see the one from October 20 on Verizon's site, but this needs to be "pushed" to the user, it's not user "initiated."  Another person on here helped be resolve that, but I appreciate your response. 

True, most phones don't get multiple firmware updates a month, with the exception of brand new flagship phones with multiple unanticipated bugs.  While the Pixel is great in theory, there are some issues that need to be ironed out before it's all we were promised it would be.  For reports of the issues I'm experiencing (and numerous others), just Google it LOL. 

II can understand third party vendor apps being problematic, but I don't understand proprietary Google Apps, (Google Assistant, Google Maps, Google Play, Bluetooth, etc.).  I do appreciate your response and more so your tone. 

II spoke with one Google tech who basically said Android 7.1 Nougat was so advanced it simply wouldn't work on anything but brand new cars.  You can understand it might be cheaper to buy a new phone rather than a new car. 

