Group text messages - won't download/take a long time to download

This is a recent issue - maybe started two, three weeks ago.  My phone is a One, updated to 4.4.2

Whenever I receive group text messages sent by someone I've already received texts from, the text shows up as "downloading".  These are just text messages, no videos/pictures/HTML links.  The download fails 9/10 times and I have to either wait a couple hours ( ! ) or constantly hit "retry download" for it to show up.  I haven't noticed this problem with messages from numbers not saved to my contacts - in fact, there was a period of time where friends of the person who last owned my phone were sending group messages and I got every single one of those immediately, including pictures/videos.

These group texts are for work, so while I haven't had a download completely fail and I can't read the message, I don't want to risk that happening.

36 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

I didn't know 4 sure, but at one time a few weeks back when i was talking to a Verizon rep, she said to me that if sending group messages with a picture u need to have ur data on or it wont go. Also receiving pictures i have to have my data on.

I myself have to have data on to send a message with a picture to one person. So right now if sending any file with a message i just use wi-fi, and send by email. There's enought wi-fi hot spots around to do that easily, and if not i can turn data on if i can't wait a bit for some reason. I do know that when i had PagePlus non of this was ever an issue.....But i couldn't find a decent price on a good fone for Pageplus at that time so went to walmart n got a 29 buck smartfone n a verizon card n here i am. Now i wished i just bought what i could for Pageplus. Live n learn......


Yes you need data on but it does not use your data bucket and is part of the text buckets. All MMS are text and will not use data. If it did use your data would be better for them to not have a 1MB cap and let people send their full resolution photos (my phone for example max size is 14MB).

Enthusiast - Level 3

Funny that when i am sending things MMS using my data is does take away from my allowed 1 gig data.

I keep close track of that data....

Maybe i'll search some more for that PagePlus cell n get back to using them instead of Verizon....

Same cost n same service anyway.....

But MMS doesn't eat up the data with them......funny isn't it....


It does not take away from your bucket. There's already thousands of threads about it. MMS does not use data allotments and hasn't done so since the inception of MMS.

If MMS did count I would go over my limit every month as I average 500MMS per month on slow months. Inot busy months that would be upwards to 1-1.5K messages. I make sure it doesn't compress down to less than 900kb.

There is something else taking your data. You'd be surprised as to how much stuff doesn't show up on the usage meters on your phone. For example until the recent update I rarely seen Facebook on that meter and it is never consistent. I ended up disabling it and using the browser my usage went down after than simply because of that.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Got me? I dont do facebook or any social media. I check running apps quite a bit n never see anything there running that shouldn't be. I'm not real droid savy, so not real sure what does what, but i do check my data, and try to keep track of what i do use so not to go over that 1 gig. I usually never go anymore than half if it anyway.

And actually i am quite happy with Verizon n the cheepo Optimus zone 2 fone i have right now.

I'll probly stay with the big V till more issues come up.

But i'll keep watch here to see what people continue to say, so i'll be more informed....

Customer Service Rep

We want only the best for you and will ensure you are able to share all those precious memories. We can further troubleshoot the network connection with our Prepaid Suport Team at 888-294-6804.

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Enthusiast - Level 1

We don't have prepaid phones but are on a contract with Verizon. Is there a different number to call?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Enthusiast - Level 1

My hubby (HTC) and I have both been having problems receiving and downloading mms texts the past couple of days. I tried turning off my WiFi but it didn't work.

Customer Service Rep

TJgirl, we want you to be able to receive MMS text. Let's work together to get your devices to receive MMS. When did this start? What messaging application are you using?
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same problem here. A month or so ago sending and receiving group messaged wasn't a problem. Verizons explanation of turning off WiFi is b.s... Verizon,  there is a problem now that didn't exist before. Fix it and don't give you paying customers lame excuses... I meant answers!

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've been trying to send a picture message. Takes for ever to send a less then 1MB size picture. I only have a 3MP cam on the phone. The cell only has 3G, but u'd think it would send such a small file in less then 15 minutes.....Geeeeeeee..... When i had PagePlus it would send the same size file in 30 seconds. Same towers.....

Enthusiast - Level 3

Make that....30 minutes now n it still says sending.....WTF..?

Customer Service Rep

Your time is vaulable to us, earltash. 30 minutes is a long time to attempt to send a message. Which make/model phone do you have? Are you currently connected to Wi-Fi? Are you able to send a standard text message with no issues?

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 3

My cell is a LG Optimus zone 2 running only 3G on Verizon from the local Walmart.

I can not send a picture message threw wi-fi, has to have data turned on.

I can sent a standard text without a Picture in like 5-10 seconds.

I can send a email with a picture threw wi-fi, and most times i send Pictures this way if i have wi-fi around.


I m sorry Verizon but I call [removal required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service] . I too have group text problems after the upgrad. My wife refuse to do updates on her phone and now I know why. Her phone work fine on group texts with wifi on. You guys are trying to do to us like Apple does to there cust and that's not cool!!!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same problem receiving group texts from my family whether or not there are pictures attached.  I've waited OVERNIGHT at times to receive messages when part of a group text.  Orginally I thought that the problem was a format issue between Apple's product and Droids or perhaps if there was another carrier involved.  I accidently discovered the problem was wifi when I noticed that I had no problems when away from home or work.

   It seems to my untrained mind that Verizon installed this problem with an update, when will they solve it and as a

side note, what additional value where they trying to give us as customers by making this obvious error?

VERIZON:  I'd like a response please.