Nothing but great customer service...(always).
Contributor - Level 2

I always read such bad/negative reviews about phone in support that I just wanted to make a positive thread about Verizon's (Wireless) Customer Service .

Anytime I've called Customer Service (and I've been a Verizon customer for like, 9-10 years, it's been so long I'm not really sure anymore), I always get the nicest service representatives.

Even at the beginning when my earlier phones would drop calls and I would call in upset, they remained calm and tried to help me out.

Once I have any of my past phones up and running and any issues corrected, a long time passes before I need to call in again.

I just recently upgraded to a smartphone (end of March), and again was treated professionally and pleasantly.

Although I did have to probe for a better service plan other than the ones advertised all over Verizon's web site, they did offer my the Loyalty Unlimited Talk & Text with 2 Gigs of Data (awesome).

I also ordered my HTC ONE on Wednesday and received it FexEx on Friday.

I know they have to do their job and make Verizon meet quota and that's why I wasn't offered it outright, but without me being obnoxious and the service rep. being professional I was offered the Loyalty plan.

I noticed a few days later that my online My Verizon account wasn't showing my new plan (yet it was showing my new phone), so I called them back and explained what I was offered and the rep. made some adjustments to my account and within minutes everything was corrected.

Then when I was playing with my phone and learning how it worked I accidentally deleted a Verizon app. and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

I called Customer Service once again and within a minute or two was walked through the steps to replace the app. by yet another friendly representative. 

So I just waned to make a thread about my positive experiences with Verizon Wireless.

Sure mistakes can be made (we all make them), but Verizon's service has always been top notch and that's why I stay with them.


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