The multiple problems with my Thunderbolt

Ok first please I don't need the just root your phone or switch your phone answers.


1)My phone has randomly reset since the upgrade every once in a while.


2)My battery drain is great, and it seems even for a thunderbolt.  I could unplug my phone in the morning and 30 minutes later when I got to work I was at 90%.  I was running app killer, but I stopped after reading variouso threads.  Screen resolution isnt at its lowest possible setting but at the lowest of settings by clicking on the brightness icon.  I am in San Diego, so I do enjoy 4g, and typically wifi, gps and bluetooth are on.  I just got an extended battery today, and charged it without turning my phone on.  Turned my phone on around 1245 and haven't really used it after some early GPS use.  60 percent by 630.


3)Terrible GPS.  Sometimes phone gps will lock on instantly when using Google Maps and Navigator.  There are times like today where my gps was a waste and didn't function for 15 minutes while it was open.


4)SMS/MMS.  I had all my texts deleted one time, even my locked ones.  Sometimes texting would be very slow and buggy if I had too many texts.  I have a new problem since the OTA which is sometimes I can't text.  I'll hit buttons and they will be pressed but nothing will pop up in the box, and a problem I have always had is sometimes I cannot hit SEND.  Also since the OTA there were some instances where my phone showed me as sending media when I was originally trying to send simple texts.  When I would try to click and open the text it would just close.  About a week ago I started using Flex T9 Text Input.


5)Camera just has the same known problems that everyone has.


6)4G hotspot. Random disconnects. I think this feature should stay free.  Shouldn't 4g phone users get perks?  At least just give Tbolt owners the freebie.


7)Phone will freeze


8)Screen can be unresponsive


I went into the store and finally went hands on with a Droid Charge.  Very nice screen on a ok feeling phone.