Connecting New with the Old

Try not to laugh too too much. I have Verizon FIOS with wireless router to a computer and laptop, both run Windows XP. I would like to connect to my "other" computer upstairs using wireless capability. The "other" computer is running Windows 95. Can this be done? If so, how?

It has a Uniden wireless receiver installed because I used to run the connection thru a Uniden Wireless AP Router (4 port) Model WNR2004 which will no longer run/turn on, unfortunately. Since it's a DSL receiver I was told it should be able to "grab" the Wi-Fi signal but requires reconfig...which I know nothing about.

Help anyone? Pease try to refrain from any sarcasm. Thanks.

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Yeah, Win9x/ME is a dead and buried OS family.  Since all OS updates and third party software vendors do not support it any longer, it is NOT an OS that should be connected to the Internet.  The software that is on it does not support modern OS standards and the OS can not be properly secured.  WWW does not stand for World Wide Web it stands for Wild Wild West.  The Internet can be a dangerous place to "play" in and using an OS that can't be protected or secured leaves the user vulnerable and susceptiple to nefarious Internet activity.

Granted, there are rare situations where one can not remove Win9x/ME from their envorinment but that situation dictates that the Win9x/ME platform NEVER be connected to the Internet.


Thanks for the sound advice, Dave.

Thought I'd be  LONG shot but wanted to see if ME was still internet worthy seeing as how it was connected pre-FIOS.

Happy Holidays!
