LTE Installed Router or Cantenna gone bad
Enthusiast - Level 1

Cantenna was installed June 2015. Have had some slowdowns with it, but it has never gone out in 4 1/2 years. RIP 12/16/2019 was the last day our Cantenna connected to the internet. Router powers on fine, i can log into the admin menus, but any device I connect, whether it be Ethernet, or WiFi, has no internet connection. They connect to the router, but the router is not connected to the internet.
So I have been going back and forth with Verizon customer service for a week now, it is 12/23/2019. Went through all the steps with them that are on the troubleshooting page on the website. Disconnect power, reconnect, etc etc. No luck. Customer service got tired of me and submitted a network ticket, which came back as: 

our network has determined that the coverage in your location is not optimal and service will fluctuate and experience some challenges. Nothing can be done at a network level at this time to improve your wireless service. I apologize for any inconvenience this information may cause you.

4.5 years and NOW the coverage isn't optimal? I don't believe it is a network issue, I believe it is a hardware issue with the router or more likely the cantenna. (and for the record, my address is SOLID RED on the coverage map, no gaps anywhere even near me, so if there is no coverage here, update the map Verizon)

I tried to get more info, and customer service was very "helpful":

"Completely understandable. All the proper steps were taken, and at this time a solution has been provided."

Perhaps I incorrectly assumed that a solution would be something that got me back online?

So here we are, no internet. No help. No hope. Guess I'll go read a book or something. Merry Christmas


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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

Ok, finally was provided with the phone number to set up the $150 service visit. Hoping that if we go that route, whoever comes out knows what they're doing.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Would you be willing to share that phone number? I bought a replacement and need it connected by a company to send a activation code to Verizon.

Customer Service Rep

A replacement device that isn't working isn't much of a replacement. We'd be happy to help ensure you have everything setup, scmjjsj. What kind of device are you trying to get setup?



I have just spent the past 4 days traveling down the same road.  I was given a phone number as well but sat on hold for 45+ minutes on two occasions and was never able to connect to the truck service.

The next time I called the support I was told to swap out the sim cause all the towers had been upgraded to 5g. After a trip to our local Verizon store (45min and 3 associates later) I headed home to replace the sim in my cantenna.  Or maybe the router. Nobody there really knew How or Where I would find it but suggested a quick google search would be able to help. Turns out neither of them have a sim.   I'm starting to think I could work as a tier 3 Verizon technician if I could get my garbage game on point. 

 So where did you end up coming out of the rabbit hole? 

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you had this experience with getting help with your Cantenna, and we can provide some assistance. When did the issue begin? Are all lights on the router the same color? 




I had one of those for a couple of years, worked good most of the time, then the last time it went out Verizon said they no longer provided technical support in my area. Not really happy with Verizon but am a captive customer because all the other options are just as bad.
