Port Forwarding using a MiFi8800L Hot Spot

I have a video Camera that supports Browser Remote.  Using a wifi equipped device, I can access the camera control functions over a browser via WiFi.  Once I hav establised a session I can set the Camera Exposure, Focus and other Settings as well as start and stop recording remotely.

I want to be able to acces the Camera Remote Control program oveer the internet using Port Forwarding.

I attempted the following:

1. Set the MiFi Hotspot port forwarding to the Camera IP address and Port number.  The Camera uses Port 80.

2.  I want to be able to access the camera via Browser over the4 Internet (Verizon Cloud) to control the camera.

3.  On my end, I enter the Camera IP Address and port number and the connection fails.

4.  Attempting to ping the remote router (to which the camera is connected) the Ping command in the Windows Command box fails.  In FACT i CAN NOT PING ANYTHING FROM THE COMMAND WINDOW.  What gives with that.

5.  Contacting technical support was nasty.  the technician told me that the only way I could communicate with the camera was to have an LTE modem embedded in the camera.  If that is the case why does my MiFi support Port forwarding.

6.  This should be simple, the remote MiFi hotspot shold be able to translate the ip address and port of the camera as found in the MiFi configuration.  Is the failure due to the fact that it cannot route over WiFi even though WiFi is enabled on the camera and is set to the MiFi Ipaddress.  The Camera appears to connect to the HotSpot.

What am I doing wrong?

Charles Bolton

[email address removed per the Verizon Terms of Service]





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Please don't post your personal information including phone numbers on this public forum and don't use your phone number as your username either. It is against the terms of service for this site. 


Unless you are willing to purchase a static IP address, all Verizon Wireless devices are behind a NAT firewall and can't use port forwarding. Have you tried using a VPN service to access your camera remotely? 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep

I can understand how important it is to use this function of your camera along with your Hotspot. Have you tried to add this as a custom application?  instructions can be found here https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-220945/. AlbertoR_VZW
